7 recruitment strategies to improve the hiring process

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Every organization wants to hire employees who are a good fit. This all begins with the recruitment process, which has increasingly become less about the company and more about the candidate. 

As companies compete for top talent, it’s important to implement and refine recruitment strategies to attract the right candidates. You need to find applicants who could be a good fit for your organization and increase the number of people who see your job postings and apply for open positions.

This makes the hiring process much more efficient and allows you to bring on employees faster, without missing an opportunity to hire someone due to screening-related delays.

If you’re looking to improve the hiring process, here are several recruitment strategies that will help you attract top talent.

  1. Craft on-brand job listings

  2. The first impression most job seekers have of a company is the job listing. While the job post should be professional and describe the qualifications and responsibilities related to the position, it should also reflect the company culture. 

    If your company is laid back and tongue-in-cheek, pepper your listing with puns and other on-brand language. But if you’re a buttoned-up, no-nonsense firm, keep the listing professional. This will help attract applicants who are looking for the type of environment you offer and who are more likely to fit in with your company’s culture.

  3. Use social media

  4. If you’re not using LinkedIn to find talent and advertise your open positions, you’re missing an opportunity to connect with a lot of potential candidates. You can search for potential candidates and filter them by location or skill set.

    In addition, platforms like LinkedIn alert candidates when a job that matches their skills is posted, increasing the chances that your listing will be seen and decreasing the time it takes for candidates to apply.

  5. Carefully track applicants

  6. Whether you invest in an applicant tracking system or use your existing CRM system, the software can help automate the recruitment process. An applicant tracking system can automatically post jobs and search for qualified talent, and a CRM or tracking system with a CRM component can help you schedule interviews and remind you to follow up with candidates.

  7. Consider niche job boards

  8. While Indeed and other general job boards can be great for recruiting, one recruitment strategy that can help is niche job boards. 

    If you’re hiring for a very specific position, look for smaller job sites that are geared toward one type of job. For example, if you’re looking for a software developer that specializes in SAP software, look at job boards devoted to ABAP developers. 

    There are niche job boards for almost every industry, including retail, construction, and editorial positions.

  9. Go back to college

  10. College campuses are a gold mine for entry-level positions and new talent for your industry. You can also find candidates for internships by connecting with college campuses. There are a lot of ways you can use colleges to get the word out about your company and your open positions, including setting up at career fairs, speaking at industry events, and posting your open positions on-campus job boards, both online and offline.

  11. Dig for passive candidates

  12. While there are plenty of people actively seeking new jobs, most people are passive candidates. They currently have jobs and aren’t looking — but are open to hearing about new opportunities. These candidates might be the perfect fit for your organization. 

    To get them interested, you’ll have to reach out to them directly. Using social media is one tool to recruit passive candidates; employee referral is another.

  13. Create a positive interview process

  14. The interview process is for both the candidate and the company. While you get to know the candidate and determine whether they’re a good fit for your organization, they’re also scoping you out to figure out if they want to work at your company. Regardless of the position, make sure the interview is comfortable and as low-stress as possible.

    Also, consider the position that the candidate is interviewing for. If it requires working as part of a team, try a group interview so that the candidate can meet their potential coworkers and the department can offer feedback on the candidate. If the team is the type to joke around a lot, encourage them to let their personalities shine through.

    Recruitment strategies that leverage the power of social media, reflect your company’s culture, and reach out to candidates who may not be actively looking can greatly improve the hiring process. Track and communicate with your applicants, and give them a taste of what to expect if they accept a position with your company. It’s a two-way street, and when you’re competing for top talent, every advantage helps.

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