6 productivity podcast suggestions from the Jotform marketing team

There’s nothing like listening to a quality podcast to hype yourself up and get into a productive groove. But did you know there are a whopping 30 million podcast episodes and counting available you can tune into?

For those who love options, this level of variety is empowering and exciting. But for those who don’t, it can be daunting.

To help you avoid decision fatigue, a few members of the Jotform marketing team compiled a list of podcast recommendations that help us be our most productive selves. Hopefully, they’ll do the same for you.

1. Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly

Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly is a podcast put on by Marketplace. Hosts Kai Ryssdal and Molly Wood discuss the economy and big, newsworthy topics of the week, including the impact of COVID-19 on different industries, cryptocurrency, climate change, and more.

“I don’t listen to productivity podcasts precisely, but I do think there’s a podcast that helps me stay productive. It’s the Make Me Smart podcast by Marketplace. They break down all the economic stories of the day in 15 minutes,” says Chad Reid, VP of marketing and communications at Jotform.

Fifteen minutes is a nice chunk of time to step away from the screen, soak up some news, and even multitask.

“I use that time to do something productive around my home for a 15-minute burst, whether it’s vacuuming, dishes, straightening up, etc. I get fascinating news information while getting things done at the same time. It’s kind of perfect, and it only really works because the podcast packs so much great information into such a short time,” Reid says.

Pretty great way to stay informed and be productive!

2. Masters of Scale

Listening to successful businesspeople can be incredibly inspiring, especially when they’ve founded giant tech companies.

Masters of Scale is a podcast hosted by legendary LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman. Episodes are geared toward startups and business-minded individuals with advice on scaling, leadership, strategy, management, and much more.

“I listen to this podcast from time to time for inspiration, problem-solving, and even creativity. There’s huge value in hearing the stories, challenges, and solutions that many founders and leaders from all walks of life have been through,” says Chris Bass, content marketer and creator at Jotform.

Masters of Scale guests have included CEOs, founders, and even President Barack Obama.

This podcast is perfect for getting inspired and into a good workflow.

3. Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

Getting into the right headspace is key for seizing the day.

That’s why our assistant video editor, Frances Minigan, tunes into Impact Theory, an interview-style podcast that focuses on conducting great business, getting into the right mindset, and teaching secrets to success.

It’s “all about mastering your mind, leading the life that you dream of, and leaving a positive impact on the world,” Minigan says. “It can get a bit ‘meta’ and esoteric sometimes (which can be a little much), but it’s a great dialogue for learning how to figure out who you are and how to go after the things you want in life. I enjoy it because there are always new and interesting guests, easy-to-digest topics, and simple steps to get control of your life and work.”

A few of this podcast’s recent topics include how to optimize your brain with simple hacks, one secret for leveling up your communication, why your reality is a lie according to scientists, and much more.

Impact Theory sends an inspiring message to its listeners. Check it out if you need some encouragement to get into a productive workflow!

4. Threedom

Sometimes all you need is a good laugh to get you in the right productive rhythm.

Our webinar manager, Morgan Ziontz, is a firm believer in this and loves listening to Threedom, a podcast about three friends just hanging out, to get a good laugh in.

“I’m right on the introvert-extrovert borderline, so the quiet of living alone during a pandemic has been fine about half the time. The other half of the time I miss the energy of having people around me,” says Ziontz.

“Threedom isn’t about anything in particular; it’s just three comedian friends hanging out for an hour each week. The authenticity of hearing friends talk with each other — all the funny, boring, and ridiculous parts included — is perfect for the days I need a people-fueled energy boost,” she explains.

The topics on this podcast are a bit different each episode, so tune in for a variety of fun-filled conversations and get your laughs on and productivity in gear.

5. The Writer Files

When in need of inspiration, our content writer, Darin Moriki, turns to The Writer Files for a quick boost.

The podcast includes insightful interviews with well-known writers and picks their brains on a wide variety of topics, such as how to improve your focus, find greater meaning in your work, writing during tough times, and more.

“It’s intriguing to hear where other writers get their inspiration, how they keep their creative juices flowing, and how they deal with writer’s block or other obstacles in the actual writing process that make you want to throw your hands up. When I need a little bit of advice or inspiration, this podcast provides the perspective, tips, and actionable insights needed to get back on track and keep on truckin’,” says Moriki.

Listening to a podcast in your field can help get your creative juices flowing and back into a productive state.

6. The Mindset Mentor 

Last on this list is The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial — my favorite podcast for productivity.

The Mindset Mentor is jam-packed with everyday advice and life lessons. It’s great for anyone who needs a good ole push to get up and take action, whether in work or personal life. Some topics include how thoughts change your reality, tips to stop anxiety, ways to set boundaries, and more.

This podcast is a wonderfully positive way to start or end the day, or take a break to get inspired and get your productivity gears grinding.

P.S. If you’re looking to learn more about business, technology, and productivity tips from industry leaders, be sure to check out Jotform’s new podcast, Momentum.

Annabel is a former Director of Communications at Jotform. She's passionate about writing and has worked in communications roles domestically and internationally. When she's not blogging about SaaS or online forms, she enjoys international travel, loud concerts, and artisan coffee.

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