Learn How Oru Kayak Collects Job Applications with Jotform

If you’re a fan of Shark Tank, you’ve probably seen Oru Kayak before. In the show’s fifth season, Oru Kayak’s three co-founders stood before the familiar panel of celebrity investors and unfolded their idea to the sharks.

Oru Kayak is an amazingly simple, yet brilliant conception. Outdoor enthusiasts want to get on the water, but storing a kayak is prohibitive if you live in an urban area and don’t have the space. Transporting your kayak with your car? A whole other problem. That’s why people buy Oru Kayaks, which are kayaks that fold up and transport as backpacks, weighing as little as 26 lbs.

The company started as a Kickstarter campaign — the most successful Kickstarter campaign for an outdoor company at the time, raising over $500,000 in a month.

Youtube Embed Poster: C9zFrBi7Ppw

All three co-founders come from a variety of backgrounds, none of which is software engineering. So when the company needed to create forms and embed them on Oru Kayak’s site for collecting customer feedback and posting job application forms, it needed a way to do it without requiring extensive technical knowledge. Enter JotForm.

Oru Kayak has been using Jotform for several years, and today you can find Jotform application forms embedded on their site whenever they’re hiring talented new employees to join the team. In addition to asking standard job application questions, the company likes adding fields for quirkier inquiries, like a favorite YouTube video link and a short blurb in place of a traditional cover letter.

Oru Kayak uses Shopify for their site, which Jotform easily embeds into. Applicants wouldn’t even know they’re filling out a form that isn’t just a part of the Oru Kayak website. The end result is a sleek-looking careers section that doesn’t redirect applicants to other pages.

Looking to get started on creating your own job application form? Check out the catalog of application templates.

Does your company use Jotform for hiring? Let us know the questions you ask your applicants i the comments below!

Chad is a former VP of Marketing and Communications at Jotform. He’s also a frequent contributor to various tech and business publications, and an absolute wizard with a Vitamix. He holds a master’s degree in communication and resides with his wife and cats in Oakland, California.

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