How to Make Jotform Your Marketing Automation Tool

How to Make Jotform Your Marketing Automation Tool

As a marketer, juggling the management of strategic goals with your day-to-day tactical projects can be overwhelming. Even with an able team, sometimes there just isn’t enough time in the day. That’s where marketing automation comes in. You’ve probably heard of services like HubSpot and Pardot, but did you know you can automate some of your marketing tasks without having to make such a hefty investment? With Jotform, you have access to multiple features and integrations that will actually trigger different actions so that you don’t have to manually complete them anymore. Here’s a look at a few of the ways Jotform can help you save time.

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Send customized marketing emails to leads

By connecting your Jotform account to WebMerge’s services through Zapier, you can create dynamic documents that are generated from your lead’s form submission (possible formats include fillable PDFs, word docs, presentations — basically anything text-based).

For example, if you work at a university and you want to send a tailored document to prospective students, this can be done automatically! Using an inquiry form on your website, you can allow an interested student to indicate which fields of study or extracurricular activities they would like to explore further.

With the information they supply to Jotform through the inquiry form, export it directly to your WebMerge account and you can automatically build a marketing email that only includes sections dedicated to their interests. Learn more here.

Grow your social media networks

Often, the challenge of gaining a new customer is keeping them engaged with the brand. Social media can be the answer — especially with its relatively low barrier to offering content and built-in networking features to encourage conversation. Once you get them to sign up for your email newsletter, how do you make sure they follow you on Twitter to get more regular updates? Or after they make a purchase, how can you get them to Like your page on Facebook for other offers? If you’re growing your newsletter list or taking orders through Jotform, you can customize your Autoresponder email to include all of your relevant networks. Include links to each or all of your pages, and be sure to include reasoning for why your customer should add you to their social media networks.

With a compelling enough reason, your company’s following is almost guaranteed to grow. Autoresponder emails can be created for each of your online forms so there’s no need to craft a one-size-fits-all email. Only offer the most content for the type of customer who is most likely to fill out each form. Learn more here.

Analyze your leads to identify patterns

If your organization has grown to a point where you need a CRM tool for better tracking, you would probably also benefit from a method of automatically inputting all of your lead data right when they come in. To do so, all you need to do is integrate your lead gen form in your Jotform account with one of the many CRM platform integrations available. Simply map your form fields to the fields in your CRM system and when a form submission is received, all of the data will be used to immediately create a lead profile.

Most CRMs will also allow you to automatically generate reports daily, weekly, monthly, etc. These reports can be a great way for you to get a regular snapshot of the types of leads coming in, their entry point, and more. With this actionable data at your fingertips, you can quickly make decisions about where to divert your resources or where to make bigger investments.

Jotform’s marketing automation capabilities are not limited to just these three strategies. The beauty of this easy-to-use form builder is that we’re constantly creating and discovering new ways to help our users. Have you used Jotform to automate any of your marketing tasks? Let us know in the comments!

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Marina holds a degree in Professional Writing from Carnegie Mellon University. Hailing from Boston, she loves traveling, concerts, and spinning classes.

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