10 Jotform CRM integrations to try now

10 Jotform CRM integrations to try now

Relationship goals.

Whether you admit it or not, we all have them.

Source: Giphy

But what about customer relationship goals? Solid customer relationships are the bread and butter of a healthy bottom line, customer retention, and keeping your business, well, in business.

That’s why many companies turn to CRM (customer relationship management) software to organize, manage, and keep tabs on their important customer relationships. If you’re using Jotform to collect customer information, be sure to check out this breakdown of our 10 CRM integrations below.

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Pro Tip

Explore all of Jotform’s free CRM integrations for even more options.

1. HubSpot

Most of us have heard of HubSpot. From its robust CRM to its great content marketing, HubSpot is a popular go-to for many sales and marketing professionals. But what makes this CRM stand out from the rest?

Well, for starters, it’s free (they also have paid plans). Besides being budget-friendly, HubSpot is also intuitive and easy to use. You can create email templates, automate emails, track communication with anyone from sales prospects to longtime customers, and much more. HubSpot also offers the option for teams to reach out directly through email via the platform, so all conversations stay in one place.

Image of Hubspot

Integrate your form with HubSpot

2. Pipedrive

If you’re looking for an uber easy CRM solution, Pipedrive might be your best option. In terms of user experience, this tool is incredibly intuitive and simple to use.

With its “visual pipelines” and “custom fields,” teams can seamlessly keep track of customer information in an aesthetically pleasing way. Additionally, Pipedrive makes it easy to track communications with their contact management system, email inbox, activity calendar, and more.

Pipedrive also offers automation tools, such as a “leadbooster” chatbot, so teams can automatically send responses to prospects.

Although Pipedrive doesn’t have a free plan, they do allow users to try their plans for free. The plan prices are reasonable; the lowest-priced plan goes for $12 per month (when billed annually).

Jotform Pipedrive Integration

Integrate your form with Pipedrive

3. Salesforce

Salesforce is another popular CRM tool that many companies turn to because of its brand recognition and wide adoption. Part of Salesforce’s popularity is their plan variety.

Salesforce offers features similar to the previously mentioned CRMs, such as lead and content management, sales opportunity management, and customizable reports and dashboards. With Salesforce, teams can automatically track and keep tabs on emails, calls, meetings, and more.

This CRM helps teams “sell smarter and faster” by providing customizable features and a way to consolidate customer touch points into one plattform.

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Integrate your form with Salesforce

4. Zoho

Zoho empowers global sales professionals to get more leads, build relationships with customers, and increase revenue. Zoho offers multichannel communication, so teams can reach customers wherever they are, such as via phone, email, chat, or social media.

Like other CRMs, Zoho offers automation, which eliminates the hassle of responding when sales teams are busy with other tasks. Additionally, sales teams have the option to get real-time reports and insights on sales performance, KPIs, and more.

Zoho doesn’t offer any free plans, but they do offer a free trial on their three available plans: Basic, Standard, Professional, and Enterprise.

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Integrate your form with Zoho

5. Keap (Infusionsoft)

Keap is a CRM that targets small businesses. (For those who don’t know, Infusionsoft rebranded as Keap in early 2019). Keap helps companies “keep” customer information organized and accessible to sales teams.

With Keap, teams can say goodbye to spreadsheets for tracking and email for communication. Teams can connect Keap to their email provider of choice, and it will automatically update a lead’s record. Having all customer correspondence and information in one place makes it easy to get in touch quickly and create personalized follow-up.

Keap offers a free trial and sometimes offers sales on their plans. Their plans — Pro, Max and Max Classic — range from $159–$229 per month. You can contact with sales for the custom pricing of Max Classic plan.

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Integrate your form with Keap (Infusionsoft)

6. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is a great CRM for seeing the sales pipeline in a holistic way. This tool’s robust features allow sales professionals to prioritize leads, connect to their favorite email provider (like Gmail), close deals on the go, integrate with other apps (like Jotform!), and much more.

If your company is looking for both a sales and marketing machine, ActiveCampaign also offers email marketing, marketing automation, messaging, and machine learning.

Pricing-wise, ActiveCampaign doesn’t have any free plans. A slider bar on their pricing page allows you to indicate how many contacts you have, and then presents plans based on that information so you can choose the one that works best for you. This tool also offers “free migration” if you transfer from another platform.

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Integrate your form with ActiveCampaign

7. Solve 360

Solve 360 is known as “The Modern CRM.” Their robust product offers flexibility so teams can customize their CRM experience. Teams can utilize fields, category tags, and activity templates to effectively organize lead information as it comes in.

Other features include templates, pre-integrated cloud applications, link emails, report and update activities, mobile capabilities, and more. This CRM also has notable security and ensures that client information is protected by frequently conducting audits, setting alerts, and more. 

Solve 360 has costs $25 per user a month an includes a Web and IOS app.

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Integrate your form with Solve

8. ClinchPad

With ClinchPad, teams can visualize their sales pipeline with a Kanban-style board (similar to Trello!).

Teams can label columns as “Prospect,” “Contact,” “Offer,” “In Negotiation,” and “Closing,” so all of the actions are in one line, making it incredibly easy to see the sales progress to a closed deal.

ClinchPad has the functionality for teams to work closely with one another through to-do lists, notes, custom fields, notifications, document and file storage, and more. Like other CRMs, teams can also easily manage their contacts and keep all information organized in one place.

ClinchPad offers four plans, starting at $9 per month with Bronze and ending at $99 per month with Platinum (which is suggested for Enterprise users).

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Integrate your form with ClinchPad

9. Highrise

Highrise is an effortless CRM tool that focuses on the connection between businesses and customers. With Highrise, organizations have the ability to connect with any customer, teammate, Android or iOS mobile app, and much more.

This CRM makes it really easy to send follow-up emails by keeping all prospect notes and communication in one place. Better yet, it also has a group inbox so you can quickly respond to or assign leads to other teammates. It also offers the option to send bulk emails, set recurring reminders, and much more.

Highrise isn’t accepting new signups at this time, but if you were part of the first 10,000+ businesses to take part in the action, you’ll be able to take full advantage of this integration.

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Integrate your form with Highrise

10. Insightly

Last but not least, we have Insightly. Insightly believes businesses should go beyond transactions and work to build solid relationships with their customers (using Insightly, of course).

This CRM’s perks include relationship linking, which allows teams to link fragmented customer records to contacts in the database. Insightly also makes it easy to stay organized by including the option to customize views and workflows. In addition, Insightly has a built-in dashboard so teams can track important metrics and share them with their team.

Unfortunately, Insightly doesn’t have a free plan, but you can try their Plus, Professional, and Enterprise plans free for a limited time.

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Integrate your form with Insightly

That’s it for our roundup! Be sure to use one of Jotform’s CRM integrations to achieve your customer relationship goals.

Annabel is a former Director of Communications at Jotform. She's passionate about writing and has worked in communications roles domestically and internationally. When she's not blogging about SaaS or online forms, she enjoys international travel, loud concerts, and artisan coffee.

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