Snack Break webinar: What's new with Jotform Tables

Here at Jotform our multiple product teams work hard to create innovative new products and features to help you make the most of your forms and form data. These teams create big things pretty regularly — like last year’s Jotform Apps and Jotform Approvals — but between the big releases is a steady flow of improvements and new features. 

That’s why we’ve kicked off a new webinar series called Jotform Snack Break. In these bite-size webinars we’ll share demos and use cases for some of our latest updates and possibly even highlight some of our favorite or lesser-known features. All in 15 minutes or less!

Watch our first Snack Break below. In this session, we highlight two new Jotform Tables features: the Assign feature and an update to the Action Buttons we rolled out last fall. Grab a banana or some chips and check it out!

Youtube Embed Poster: ysDm3tobNBI
Morgan is the webinar manager at Jotform. She is passionate about helping people do their best work and has spent many years crafting sessions that educate users on how to make the most of a product. Outside of Jotform she tries to explore as much of the world as possible, makes lots of cakes, and goes wine tasting whenever she can. You can reach Morgan through her contact form.

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