How to convert PDF to Excel in Microsoft Office

How to convert PDF to Excel in Microsoft Office

If you’re a bit behind schedule with work and you want to convert a PDF to Excel without using extra PDF converter tools, there’s a fast and simple way to convert a PDF into Excel through Microsoft Office Word. Your Excel file will be completely editable in the MS Office Excel app.

1. Open the PDF file in Microsoft Office Word.

Right-click the PDF file on your desktop, and then open it with MS Word. Or you can browse for the PDF file within the MS Word app.

2. A popup window about the PDF conversion will appear; click OK to confirm.

If the converted Word document is shown in protected view, click the Enable Editing button to edit the document.

How to convert PDF to Excel in Microsoft Office Image-1

Just so you know

Did you know you can automatically generate PDFs with Jotform? Our free PDF Editor lets you customize a PDF template that automatically converts form submissions into PDF receipts, confirmation letters, and more!

3. Save the Word document as a web page.

In the MS Word app, save the Word document as a web page file. To do that, click the Save icon in the top left corner of the app, or go to File > Save As in the menu bar. Select Web Page under Save as type, then click the Save button.

4. Open the MS Office Excel app and browse to the web page file that you saved in step 2.

Open the web page file in the MS Office Excel app to convert it to an Excel file. Finally, you can analyze and edit the data in Excel.

That’s it! If you want to convert an Excel file to PDF, please check out our tutorial How to Convert an Excel file to PDF using Acrobat PDF Maker.

For more tips and tricks, visit Jotform’s Guide to Editing PDFs.

Pro Tip

Want to explore more about how PDFs can enhance your workflow? Check out our PDF Tools to manage your documents with ease:

My name is Elton, one of Jotform's Kickass Technical Support. An enthusiast IT freelancer with 5 years of experience focused on web design and web development. A die-hard lover of Jotform, and chocolates.

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