How to collect email addresses on Facebook

How to collect email addresses on Facebook

Chances are you’ve already invested plenty of time growing your Facebook business page. You’ve built up your followers by posting regularly and engaging with your audience. One of the most valuable benefits of building an online audience is the opportunity to grow your email marketing lists. You can use Facebook to do this.

Facebook is a powerful lead-generation tool if you use it correctly. You can expand your audience and build your email lists by implementing just a few changes in how you use the platform.

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Embed your signup form on your Facebook page

Integrating a signup form into your Facebook business page makes it as easy as possible for your Facebook fans to submit their email addresses.

You can embed a simple intake form on your Facebook business page using the Jotform Tab Facebook App. Fans will be able to provide their information quickly, without clicking out of Facebook, which minimizes lead falloff. You can make the text on your Facebook call-to-action (CTA) button more prominent to encourage people to sign up now.

Use this one essential step in conjunction with all of the following suggestions to maximize results.

Just so you know

Ready to start collecting emails on Facebook? With our Form Builder, you can easily create a custom signup form to embed in your Facebook page.

Promote your lead magnet

To encourage email signups, create a lead magnet, like a guide, a tutorial, an e-book, or a recorded webinar, for Facebook fans to receive once they sign up with their emails.

Once you’ve developed your lead magnet, highlight its value by creating a landing page that includes an email signup form. Design your landing page so that everyone who signs up receives the material as soon as they submit their email address.

Promote your offer with posts on your Facebook page, and reach beyond your audience by writing posts for relevant Facebook groups about the value your offer provides.

Emphasize in all of your promotions that the offer is for a limited time only. This creates a sense of urgency that drives signups.

Collect emails with Facebook group signups

Consider creating an exclusive Facebook group for your business fans. You can encourage signups by offering additional perks for joining, like access to special materials, discounts, or contests and giveaways.

Besides promoting this group on your Facebook page, you can drive traffic to it by posting on other Facebook groups whose members are in your target audience.

You’ll have the opportunity to collect email addresses from every Facebook user who joins your group. Simply adjust the group signup settings to prompt users to leave their email addresses in exchange for your lead magnet.

This is a great opportunity to promote the benefits of your lead magnet. Include opt-in language so that group members realize they will receive other valuable emails from you, too.

Run Facebook ads

Facebook ads can expand your reach and drive email signups.

Facebook’s advertising platform is capable of promoting your ad to a custom audience. The more demographic details you know about your potential customers, the better you can tailor just who will see your Facebook ad. This increases the performance of your ad, maximizing return on your marketing investment.

Your ads can promote your lead magnet, a giveaway, or another promotion. Linking your ads to a landing page makes it easy for your audience to sign up with their email addresses. By including a prompt to follow your business on Facebook, you’ll grow both your email list and your Facebook followers in a single step.

Share your events on Facebook

When you host an event like an in-person gathering or a webinar, share it on Facebook to increase your reach and drive email signups. Set up your event registration to require email addresses from every attendee. This is easy to do with most webinar platforms and with event management technology, like Eventbrite.

When you publish your event invitation on Facebook, share it with a wide audience. Promoting it through your business page will reach your established audience. Also, share it in groups and on your personal page to reach other potential attendees.

Facebook as an email list builder

The versatility of Facebook makes it a great tool for gathering email addresses and growing your email marketing lists. You can use Facebook in many different ways to reach your current followers and to broaden your reach to potential followers. As you build your list of new subscribers, you’ll establish a base of qualified leads you can nurture and convert into sales.

A journalist and digital consultant, John Boitnott has worked for TV, newspapers, radio, and Internet companies for 25 years. He’s written for, Fast Company, NBC, Entrepreneur, USA Today, and Business Insider, among others.

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