How art galleries collect artwork submissions using online forms

How art galleries collect artwork submissions using online forms

Gold-standard exhibitions heighten our senses, engage our creativity, and if all goes well, make a sale or two.

But crafting an exhibition of this caliber takes more than a good eye. There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work like managing art submissions, creating the experience, getting the right audience, and most important, generating sales.

It goes without saying that art galleries are a tough business. They’re often run by just one or two people — small and mighty teams — which means that resources are limited. Since most of the art for sale is priced high, demand is usually lower, making sales tough and budgeting crucial.

The way for galleries to overcome their business challenges and succeed in this type of market is to be savvy — in every way possible.

Online forms help them do just that.

Avenue 12 Gallery - Michelle Inouchi – S
Avenue 12 Gallery, San Francisco, CA

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Inspired by this user spotlight? Sign up for a free Jotform account to get access to powerful online forms.

Galleries across the globe turn to Jotform’s online forms for a simple, affordable solution for collecting artist submissions, client contact information, payments, event registrations, and feedback.

With Jotform, galleries can outsource their data collection needs to a tool that’s powerful enough to handle multiple questions, manage gathered information, and house it all in one place so it’s easily accessible.

Like many other galleries, Avenue 12 Gallery, based in San Francisco, needed an easy way to gather artist data, such as personal details, work samples, work descriptions, and more so they could create seasonal exhibitions that would appeal to their customers.

We sat down to learn more about their process for using Jotform.

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“Jotform can be very helpful for any small business that has to collect information and wants to keep that information where they can find it again and again.”

Rachel Murray Meyer, Co-owner of Avenue 12 Gallery

Avenue 12 Gallery loves using Jotform because each response is sent directly to their account so it’s simple to log in and check on what’s been submitted. They can click through submissions and vet artists right away. They also have the option to turn the information they receive into a shareable, downloadable, or printable PDF document with Jotform’s free PDF Editor.

artist submission
Example of artist submission.
Example of photo in artist submission
Example of photo in artist submission.

Avenue 12 Gallery isn’t alone in needing a powerful data collection tool. Galleries throughout the world need robust, easy-to-use software apps to help manage all of their business’s data.

Jotform helps galleries achieve this by providing a simple drag-and-drop interface where forms can be created in minutes.

It’s easy for galleries to sign up for a Jotform account, and once they do, they can build as many types of forms as they like.

For example, galleries can use Jotform to collect client contact information. They can choose to integrate with third-party tools, such as Google Sheets if they prefer a spreadsheet view, or have the responses funneled directly into an email service like Mailchimp to build lists and send updates to contacts.

Galleries can also create event registration and feedback forms to streamline event planning and get feedback to improve future events.

And if galleries are looking for an easy way to collect payments, Jotform’s got it covered. With more than 30 payment processors, Jotform has a medley of options so galleries can choose what works best for them. Better yet, this allows galleries to collect payments and customer information simultaneously.

With Jotform, galleries spend less time juggling mismatched data and tackling tedious administrative work, and more time building their business.

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Annabel is a former Director of Communications at Jotform. She's passionate about writing and has worked in communications roles domestically and internationally. When she's not blogging about SaaS or online forms, she enjoys international travel, loud concerts, and artisan coffee.

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