Announcing a new Google Calendar integration

Announcing a new Google Calendar integration

It’s safe to say that Google Calendar is an app most people swear by.

Its ease of use, as well as its ability to clearly display meetings, appointments, activities, and events in a single place, has helped the calendar app become an integral part of professional and personal life.

That’s why we’re excited to announce that Jotform users can now integrate their forms with a Google Calendar to

  • Create calendar events when a form is submitted
  • Add multiple events using the same information from a submitted form (a single submission can be mapped to multiple Google Calendar events)
  • Create multiple events for different or shared calendars in the same Google account

This integration is especially great because users can fully customize calendar event details using information from submitted forms. For example, an event’s title, description, location, and start and end time can be mapped to form fields.

But before using this integration, be sure to include an event start time. If you don’t do this, the integration won’t work. Note that the event end time is optional. Users can either map an event’s end time to a form field, or use a fixed duration event, such as 5 min, 30 min, 60 min, or all day.

Check out our short video and screenshots to get started in just a few simple steps!

Youtube Embed Poster: tK8RPNrv3lU
form builder settings

From the form builder, click Settings in the upper toolbar.

integration panel

Once there, click on Integrations in the left-hand panel and search for Google Calendar.

Google Calendar integration

Click Authenticate in the popup window.

google account authentication

Choose the Google account that you’d like to sync.

google calendar integration panel

Next, you’ll be able to configure the details of the integration and how you want it to appear. When you click on the pencil icons or the dropdown menus, you’ll be able to choose which information you’d like to include.

Be sure to pick a start time; otherwise, the integration won’t work. Note that choosing an end time is optional.

configure google calendar integration

Once you’ve configured your settings, click Save.

google calendar integration

Then, click Complete Integration.

google calendar integration jotform

That’s it! You’re all set to use our Google Calendar integration with your forms.

You can also check out our guide on How to Use Google Calendar to Create Events with Your Form if you have further questions about the integration.

Annabel is a former Director of Communications at Jotform. She's passionate about writing and has worked in communications roles domestically and internationally. When she's not blogging about SaaS or online forms, she enjoys international travel, loud concerts, and artisan coffee.

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