Use Jotform to Store and Retrieve Egnyte Documents

Use Jotform to Store and Retrieve Egnyte Documents

If you use Egnyte as part of your document cloud storage, you’ll be excited that you can now connect a Jotform form to your Egnyte account.

With our new Egnyte integration, your customers can attach documents, such as an employment application or resume, from within your Jotform forms. If you want to automatically retrieve and send a document based on how your customer responds to a form question, such as a price sheet or product brochure, you can use Egnyte to manage that content, too.  

How to integrate Egnyte with your Jotform account:

Youtube Embed Poster: g-8Lgn7m-T8
  1. From your MyForms page, select the Plugins dropdown menu and choose Apps. Search for Egnyte.
Screenshot of Integrations Menu in Form Builder Searching for Egnyte

2. After you select Egnyte, you’ll be asked to authenticate your account.

Screenshot of Egnyte Integrations Page

3. Log into your Egnyte account.

Image of Egnyte Login Page

4. Allow Jotform to access your Egnyte account.

form builder egnyte

5. Then complete your integration.

Are you already an Egnyte customer? What documents and content will you store? Let us know in the comments!

Chad is a former VP of Marketing and Communications at Jotform. He’s also a frequent contributor to various tech and business publications, and an absolute wizard with a Vitamix. He holds a master’s degree in communication and resides with his wife and cats in Oakland, California.

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