How Doist productivity apps use Jotform

How Doist productivity apps use Jotform

Getting more done with less is the cornerstone of productivity.

Famous productivity app-maker Doist knows this very well. In fact, they live and breathe it.

It’s no secret that this company takes productivity seriously. They’ve launched two top-tier productivity tools — Todoist, an app for digital to-do lists and Twist, an app for team collaboration.

Doist also takes a productivity-focused approach to the way they work. There are no physical offices at Doist — teams fully are remote, which helps each employee maintain a healthy work-life balance and work during their prime time.

And, to make sure Doist’s productivity is really next level, they use other productivity apps to optimize their workflow — most notably, Jotform.

We sat down with Doist to learn how their company uses Jotform to collect important information for their nonprofit discount applications.

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Doist believes everyone should have the tools in place to help them become their most productive selves.

This is especially true for nonprofits, so Doist works to give back to them as much as they give back to society.

The company decided to offer eligible nonprofits a 50- to 70-percent discount off their Twist and Todoist plans, but they first had to create an application process.

How Doist uses Jotform

Doist needed an easy-to-use form so they could easily receive applications and quickly vet applicants.

They discovered Jotform and decided to use Jotform Cards, a stylish form layout that shows one question per screen. They love this format because it makes the forms look elegant, polished, and professional.

Doist also decided to go with Jotform over competitors because using the Form Builder didn’t require any developer resources, which saves the company time and money.

Jotform is great for Doist because it allows them to sync their forms with a Zapier integration and connect to Zendesk, making it easy for their customer service team to sift through thousands of applications and promptly offer plans to the ones that are a good fit.

Using Jotform is also easy on the applicants’ side — they can simply fill out the required information and don’t need to spend any extra time dealing with long-winded, complex, boring forms.

Jotform helps us make a very easy application process.

Brenna Loury, Head of Marketing at Doist

Since Doist is fully remote and obsessed with productivity apps, the company relies on easy-to-use productivity tools like Jotform to help keep their workflow smooth, help them stay focused, and most important, be productive across multiple countries and time zones.

Annabel is a former Director of Communications at Jotform. She's passionate about writing and has worked in communications roles domestically and internationally. When she's not blogging about SaaS or online forms, she enjoys international travel, loud concerts, and artisan coffee.

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