How to Add a Custom Call-to-Action to Your Form

We can all agree on one thing: we don’t like when companies are confusing. Knowing exactly what you’re signing up for or getting into alleviates concerns and drives trust for the company. Instead of using the one-size-fits-all default “submit” text on the call-to-action button, describe to the visitor what action they will take by submitting the form. Examples include “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” Sign Up,” “Book Now,” and “Complete Survey.”

Youtube Embed Poster: MsUoW2VSfX8

Customizing your call-to-action is simple, but powerful. Here’s how you do it!

1. Once your form fields are complete, click on the button’s section to highlight it.

registration form submit button

2. Click “Properties” button next to the field. You will see the “Button Text” section.

submit button

3. Click “Button Text” and type whatever call-to-action you’d like in the box, then press “OK.”

button text

4. Your form now features your custom call-to-action!

How to Add a Custom Call-to-Action to Your Form Image-1

As always, you can always use the Form Designer to customize the look and feel of your form for optimal impact.

An avid writer, she has contributed to sites including Entrepreneur and Social Media Today. A Bostonian and University of Miami alum, she loves traveling, trying new foods, and drawing & crafting.

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