Data Interactive partners with Jotform Enterprise to give clients a complete data collection and automation solution

Data Interactive, a technology consulting firm specializing in business process automation, partners with Jotform Enterprise to provide clients with a comprehensive data-collection and automation solution. This collaboration has allowed Data Interactive to streamline its operations and offer enhanced services to its clients, leading to increased productivity and scalability. We spoke with Data Interactive CEO Michael Flanderka to discuss their success with the collaboration.

Data Interactive uses the white labeling and local data residency features available through Jotform Enterprise to create its own branded online form and automation solution: Data Interactive Forms. Its business has been so successful that the company added another server in Australia to meet customer needs. Says Flanderka, “We have enjoyed the Jotform relationship so much that we got a second server exclusively for nonprofit services.”

Logo of Data Interactive

“We’re selling our own version of Jotform Enterprise because we believe in it, and it has a great amount of capability for us and our clients. We can integrate it with our Dashboard analytics platform, introduce AI into form-based workflows — there are so many opportunities to deliver enhanced business outcomes.”

Before meeting Data Interactive, many businesses are managing workflows and data through email and manual processes, leading to inefficiencies. “We often find clients who have people running around, acting like robots,” Flanderka says. “Manual, repetitive work is not scalable. They reach a breaking point and know they need to systemize and automate, and then they come to us and we show them how.”

To help its clients, Data Interactive focuses its offering on four core areas: digitization, automation, integration, and handling complex workflows. Jotform Enterprise provides solutions in each of these areas for simple to complex projects across a range of businesses.

Solving data challenges with complex workflows

Photo of Michael Flanderka

The first question Flanderka asks clients is, “What problem do you want to solve?” Then, his team maps out a process, and, based on the client’s needs, they often recommend Jotform. “Showing people what they can do with Jotform Enterprise is our strength,” Flanderka notes. “We help people realize there is so much potential within the tool.”

One of Data Interactive’s customers is one of the largest childcare providers in Australia, with 252 centers serving 20,000 parents. They needed a better way to calculate the government subsidy provided to parents based on the hours of childcare used and notify parents of their unspent allotment.

We’ve created very complex forms, including one with 242 hidden fields and 17 pages of conditional logic.

Michael Flanderka, CEO, Data Interactive

Data Interactive used Jotform Enterprise’s robust conditional logic and workflows to map out 495 steps, automatically calculate the subsidy amount, and inform parents of their available funds. This not only saved the childcare organization AUD$30,000 in admin costs but also eliminated the need for them to develop a custom solution that efficiently manages complex workflows and ensures that all government subsidies are used effectively.

Data Interactive also partners with Jotform Enterprise to provide solutions for a range of backend services for one of Australia’s largest entertainment production companies. “We’ve created very complex forms, including one with 242 hidden fields and 17 pages of conditional logic,” Flanderka says.

Data Interactive also helps clients capture data in an organized fashion using Jotform Tables. Form submissions are captured using a webhook integration, and that data is sent to an analytics dashboard. “From the database, we can push data where we need to and trigger workflows and create custom dashboards,” Flanderka explains.

The Admin Console is critical for us to manage our multi-tenanted server. For large enterprises with multiple divisions or departments, it’s great for managing users, teams, and all of an organization’s forms.

Michael Flanderka, CEO, Data Interactive

Another Data Interactive client, The Working Holiday Club, helps students find work-abroad experiences and coordinates the application and travel process. Data Interactive built a custom workflow for the various stages of the process, such as securing a job, getting a visa, and more. Data Interactive used Jotform Report Builder to automatically monitor the status of each application. Flanderka notes that The Working Holiday Club was “really happy they saved AUD$40,000 to AUD$80,000 in labor costs.”

“The Jotform Enterprise platform is wonderful,” he says.

Digitizing government processes

The Western Australian Government’s Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science, and Innovation came to Data Interactive for help designing custom processes, such as a work-from-home request, a process to fill a role, a temporary staff member request, and a gift and benefits declaration process. The work-from-home process proved to be complex, involving the initial staff member request, and flowing to their manager, human resources, and finally to the director of the division.

Data Interactive built a custom solution with Jotform Enterprise to automate the process. Within each approval step, different criteria are reviewed and confirmed. These consist of ensuring a safe environment, work is not negatively impacted, and performance can be measured. The workflow routes the request through different stages based on the approvals or additional requests from the team, often being sent back up the ladder.

Jotform Enterprise provides a toolkit approach from one tool that can cover a number of organizational needs, from data capture to workflow to document generation, automatically creating a PDF through Tables and Apps.

Michael Flanderka, CEO, Data Interactive

Taking customizations further with APIs

Data Interactive also helped a casting agency organize its talent database. Previously, actors would upload a headshot and a video, but the names for the files uploaded made it difficult to sort and find individuals. Flanderka’s team used an API and Jotform’s Dropbox integration to customize the name of each file, saving the casting agency a lot of time and effort.

“The casting agency gets thousands of people applying for jobs, which made manually renaming files difficult,” says Flanderka. “We built a little mini service that renames the photos and video files to the name of their choice with the correct file name convention, so it’s easier to search and saves a lot of time.”

The key to working with clients is “managing employee adoption and digital change management,” Flanderka explains. Data Interactive expanded the use of Jotform Enterprise to other departments within the Western Australia Government, encompassing several use cases. Flanderka notes, “The technology has to fit around the business,” which is why they benefit from Jotform Enterprise’s user-friendly, no-code solutions.

Advice from a Jotform Enterprise partner

With so many choices available for enterprise companies in the online form and workflow space, Flanderka says, “I want to partner with a tool and a product that is leading in its field.” Enterprise-level companies have specific requirements, and with various teams, it can be difficult to keep everything organized. “The Admin Console is critical for us to manage our multi-tenanted server. For large enterprises with multiple divisions or departments, it’s great for managing users, teams, and all of an organization’s forms,” Flanderka says.

Jotform Enterprise empowers teams to improve workplace collaboration and productivity. “Jotform Enterprise provides a toolkit approach from one tool that can cover a number of organizational needs, from data capture to workflow to document generation, automatically creating a PDF through Tables and Apps.”

To learn more about streamlining your data collection and management with Jotform Enterprise, contact our sales team. Interested in growing your business as a Jotform partner? Visit our partnerships page.

Photo by Rodeo Project Management Software on Unsplash

Lainie is the Enterprise marketing manager and team lead at Jotform. With a career spanning 20+ years, she’s written for global management consulting firms, entrepreneurs, educational organizations, and nonprofits. A published author, her work has appeared in industry trades and educational guidebooks. Outside of work, Lainie enjoys live music, gardening, travel, volunteering, and the outdoors. You can reach Lainie through her contact form.

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