National Entrepreneurship Month: 5 businesses to celebrate

Happy National Entrepreneurship Month!

To celebrate, we’ve highlighted five Jotform users who have not only built a business from scratch, but continuously inspire their communities with ingenuity, persistence, and passion.

Read on to learn about their entrepreneurial stories as well as how they use Jotform as a tool to power their success.

Dr. Miami

You may recognize plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer (also known as Dr. Miami) as a larger than life personality on TikTok, or maybe you remember him from his 2017 reality TV series. But despite his fame, Dr. Miami means business. 

Early on, he discovered that filming his plastic surgeries and sharing them on social media was an inventive way to differentiate himself from other plastic surgeons. “Marketing makes the world go ’round,” he told Miami New Times.

Here’s how Dr. Miami uses Jotform to collect patient information.

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But Dr. Miami needed help collecting and managing patient information for internal use as well as marketing campaigns. He turned to Jotform for assistance running contests, gathering photo submissions from patients, offering new patient specials, and more.

Despite Dr. Miami’s fame and fortune, he does plastic surgery because he wants to help people. “It’s all about patients looking and feeling their best. What I try to do is improve people’s self-confidence,” he said.

Sara Fabel

Tattoos may be taboo for some people but not Sara Fabel. This world-renowned tattoo artist built her personal brand from the ground up and is now so popular that she attracts clients like UN diplomats and NASA scientists.

Fabel grew up in Finland with a natural affinity for art, and years later, immigrated to the U.S. to pursue acting and modeling. While she worked in showbiz, she built a solid following but realized that she preferred tattooing to acting and modeling. So she decided to do it full time.

Here’s how Sara Fabel uses Jotform to manage her business.

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When Fabel began her tattoo business, she needed a simple tool to manage client information and easily collect payments online. That’s when she turned to Jotform for help.

“When you have to get into the not so fun parts of business, it kind of gets you down. So having programs that help you do things in the least amount of time allows you to use your time more efficiently in things that do make you money,” she said.

Today, Fabel’s business is booming, and she’s created a big name for herself with 480K+ followers on Instagram and 758K+ likes on her Facebook page.

“Tattooing gives me the perfect combination of spending time with people, getting to talk to people, learning stories — but still doing art and getting paid to do the most amazing, fun job ever,” she said.

Cycle Party

Cycle Party is a locally famous “party on wheels” that tours around popular neighborhoods in South Florida, such as Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach. Founded by Chris Haerting, it began in 2012 as a fun activity for friends, teams, and families.

In addition to this unique business idea, Haerting has mastered the art of getting free brand awareness. The bike-operated party drives down popular tourist streets blasting music the participants dance to, which naturally encourages bystanders to record the event and post to social media, creating virality.

Here’s how Cyle Party uses Jotform to stay organized.

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But don’t be fooled by the glitz and glam of Cycle Party; this company is run by Haerting and only Haerting.

Overseeing everything is a lot for one person, so he turned to Jotform for a simple way to manage his staff and tours, and stay organized. One of his favorite Jotform features is the ability to create checklists for his staff.

Haerting is obviously a natural businessman. But he’s also in it for the effect it has on people. “I’d say that 99.9 percent of people leave with a smile on their face,” he said.

Mike’s Bikes

If you’re familiar with the San Francisco Bay Area, you know that there are bikers everywhere.

Enter: Mike’s Bikes

Mike’s Bikes was founded over 50 years ago in the Bay Area, and it’s rumored that the company even sold some of the first mountain bikes in the country.

Since its founding, Mike’s Bikes has opened new stores all over the Bay Area and expanded its offerings to bike parts, clothing, accessories, and more. 

Here’s how Mike’s Bikes uses Jotform to drive sales.

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One major way Mike’s Bikes stays in business is by generating a lot of sales. And to effectively do this, it makes customers the number-one priority.

The company provides free test rides, encouraging customers to try out a bike before actually purchasing it. To do this safely, the team uses Jotform to create a waiver form that customers can easily sign before getting on a bike.

“At Mike’s Bikes, we’re very passionate about getting people on bikes — we live and breath to get people in our stores and on bikes to enjoy cycling and the great outdoors,” said Mike’s Bikes representative Tom Casson.

Alessandra Torre

Last but not least, we have New York Times best-selling author, Alessandra Torre, who is known for her erotic and suspense novels.

Torre’s journey to becoming a famous author wasn’t a steady upward path. Her first novel was a huge hit, but it took six more before she reached that level of success again.

Through this long and winding process, she didn’t give up — she has shown incredible dedication and resilience.

Here’s how Alessandra Torre uses Jotform to sell books online.

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Today, Torre has made it big and has a large fan base that often asks her to personalize her books with a signature or note.

To manage this side business, she uses Jotform to collect orders, special requests for books, and payments, eliminating tedious manual labor and getting administrative work done in less time.

Be sure to check out a few of her most popular books: Hollywood Dirt, Black Lies, The Ghostwriter, and Moonshot.

There you have it — these entrepreneurs have all found success in their own way, but one thing they have in common is their online form builder, JotForm. We hope you enjoyed this roundup; have a Happy National Entrepreneurship Month!

Annabel is a former Director of Communications at Jotform. She's passionate about writing and has worked in communications roles domestically and internationally. When she's not blogging about SaaS or online forms, she enjoys international travel, loud concerts, and artisan coffee.

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