Announcing push notifications for Jotform Apps

Announcing push notifications for Jotform Apps

Ready to take your app to the next level? Jotform is proud to announce push notifications for Jotform Apps, a new way for you to immediately connect with users.

Push notification capability was one of the most requested Jotform Apps features from our users, and for good reason.

Not only can notifications help you increase engagement, but they can also help you reach your audience even when you don’t have everyone’s contact information. You don’t need to handle a large amount of contact data, and your users get more privacy. It’s a win-win!

Using push notifications could save you more money than mass email or SMS outreach, since those tend to involve paid services. With Jotform Apps, you can send out push notifications at no additional cost.

Try it now!

The push notifications for Jotform Apps are compatible with major platforms like Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux, and they’re available for different web browsers, including Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

Below, we’ll show you how to easily set up your notifications.

How to set up push notifications

Enabling push notifications takes a few simple steps. Note that push notifications for iOS users are available only if they’ve saved your app to their device’s home screen.

  1. In Jotform’s App Builder, open Settings in the top navigation bar.
  2. Select Push Notifications in the left menu.
  3. Toggle on Enable push notifications.
  4. Edit your Notification Title and Notification Content. Your Notification Content is limited to 250 characters. You can preview your notification by looking at the image of the phone on the right.
A screenshot of the Jotform App Builder with the push notification menu open
  1. Click Edit Permission Request in the Enable push notifications section to customize the opt-in request your users will see. We highly recommend using this option to inform your audience about the notifications they’ll receive, like new deals or business updates. Once a user taps on the push notification, they’ll be directed to your app’s homepage.
A screenshot of the Edit Permission Request menu
  1. Click on the Send button to distribute your push notification.
A screenshot of the Jotform push notification menu
  1. Check on your individual notifications by scrolling down to your Push Notification History.

You can look at your notification’s metrics to see how they’re performing and determine if they need to be improved. Here’s what each metric means:

  • Subscribers is the number of devices that have enabled push notifications from your app.
  • Sent refers to the number of notifications that were sent out.
  • Delivered is the amount of notifications that were successfully delivered to subscribers.
  • Clicked shows how many subscribers actually interacted with the notification, meaning they tapped or clicked on it and opened the app.

If the notification is Pending, then our system is still distributing notifications.

A screenshot of Push Notification History

Did you know?

You can create an e-commerce app with Jotform’s Store Builder and use push notifications to inform customers about updates and new deals.


At Jotform, we’re dedicated to finding out exactly what our users need, and that’s exactly how push notifications came to be. Whether you need to notify customers about new discounts or let users know about any business updates, sending these notifications is a breeze with your Jotform app.

Create a Jotform account to develop an app with our no-code drag-and-drop builder, or use one of our 700-plus templates, and try out our push notifications today!

Natalie is a content writer at Jotform who loves to inform and help however she can. Her journalistic background helps her understand what questions need to be answered and how. During her college years, she wrote for the Daily Californian at UC Berkeley and won first place awards for feature writing and copyediting. You can reach Natalie through her contact form.

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