Adding A Contact Form to Your Company Facebook Page

Adding A Contact Form to Your Company Facebook Page

Your company Facebook page is a great platform to get the word out about your company, encourage followers to engage, and serve as a direct line of contact. In the modern age of social media, it can be time-consuming to provide customer support across multiple channels including email, a support forum, Twitter, Facebook, phone, and/or whatever mode your company uses.

If you’re like many companies, your primary mode of customer support is email, and you prefer to funnel in as many requests as possible to your main portal. Increase the efficiency of your responses to customers by enabling a contact form on your Facebook page, which reduces the amount of wall posts and Facebook messages that your company will receive.

Find out how to add a contact form to your Facebook page here.

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An avid writer, she has contributed to sites including Entrepreneur and Social Media Today. A Bostonian and University of Miami alum, she loves traveling, trying new foods, and drawing & crafting.

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