Интеграции / Microsoft Teams / Send form submissions through chat messages in Microsoft Teams

Изпращайте подадени формуляри чрез чат съобщения в Microsoft Екипи

Streamline communication with Jotform’s Microsoft Teams integration. Instantly send chat messages in Microsoft Teams with every new Jotform submission to provide real-time updates and collaborate with ease.

Send form submissions through chat messages in Microsoft Teams

Send chat messages to Microsoft Teams with new Jotform submissions

Automatically send notifications and submission data as chat messages in Microsoft Teams and never miss a new form submission.

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Когато това се случи...

Нов подаден формуляр

Потребител изпраща нов формов отговор

Microsoft Teams

Направете това!

Send message

A new chat message will be sent in Microsoft Teams automatically

Integrate with Microsoft Teams

Jotform + Microsoft Teams

Watch this quick tutorial video to learn how to integrate Microsoft Teams with your online forms.

Microsoft Teams - Video

Learn more about Jotform + Microsoft Teams Integration

How to Integrate Forms With Microsoft Teams

Read more about Jotform’s Microsoft Teams integration before you set it up for yourself.

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Jotform Icon Microsoft Teams

Автоматично изпращане на съобщения в частни канали в Microsoft Екипи

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Create Microsoft Teams meetings with form submissions
