Free Popup Form Generator

Create popup forms without any coding. Add a custom popup contact form, signup form, or feedback survey to your website with our easy-to-use popup builder — and convert site visitors into loyal customers!



10,000+ Free Popup Form Templates

Get a head start with a free feedback form, contact form, or subscription form template! Simply choose a template below, customize it to match your branding, and embed it as a website popup to start collecting responses.

نموذج الاشتراك

Template 200771614939056

نموذج الملاحظات

Template 201753858955974

نموذج الاتصال

Template 201018532696858


Instantly Create Popup Forms

Collect Data Faster

Capture more leads by adding a popup contact form or signup form to your website. Simply create your form with our popup generator and publish it as a lightbox form that pops up on your site automatically.

Get Your Customers’ Attention

Keep site visitors engaged and boost conversion rates with a popup form that perfectly matches your website. Customizing your popup form doesn’t require any coding with our drag-and-drop popup builder.

Easily Embed in Your Website

Embed a popup form in your website in seconds with auto-generated embed codes. Just copy and paste to add a popup contact form, subscription form, or feedback form to your website.


ماذا يقول مستخدمونا عن Jotform؟

لقد استخدمت Jotform لمدة تقارب الخمس سنوات. في البداية، كنت استخدمه لإنشاء نماذج ويب أساسية (مثل نموذج "اتصل بنا"). مع توسع خدمات Jotform، أتيحت لي الفرصة لإنشاء نماذج أكثر تطورًا لعملائنا على موقعنا الإلكتروني الأمامي وعملياتنا الإدارية الخلفية. إن الابتكار والدعم الرائع من Jotform يوفر لي الفرص لتطوير بيئات أكثر كفاءة وفعالية لمشرفينا، مما يسمح لهم بالتركيز على ما هو أهم - تدريس الطلاب والإشراف السريري عليهم.

Kay Kazinski, تكنولوجيا المعلومات وخدمات المواقع, Manager

Learn More About Popup Forms

جميع أسئلتك عن Jotform - تمت الإجابة عنها. تحقق من الأسئلة الشائعة للحصول على إجابات للأسئلة الشائعة، أو اتصل بفريق الدعم للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات.

What is a popup form?

A popup form is a form that appears in a separate window over the content of your website. Users can fill out and submit a popup form without being redirected to a separate page — creating a streamlined and frictionless experience.

What are popup forms used for?

Popup forms are useful for contact, subscription, lead generation, and feedback forms. By having these forms appear as soon as the page loads, you can collect data faster, keep your site visitors engaged, and boost conversion rates.

Where do I use popup forms?

Popup forms can be used on commercial websites, as well as those built on CMS and online store platforms such as WordPress, Squarespace, Boostrap, and Shopify. Embedding a fully customizable popup form that matches your website’s branding allows you to organically convert anonymous visitors into real leads.

What is a popup?

A popup form is a simple form that appears on top of a website. It literally “pops up,” muting the website in the background so the user can focus on the form. Typically, these forms are short, and organizations use them for lead generation activities, such as prompting users to subscribe to a newsletter or download a premium piece of content. You can create a popup form using a popup form maker or a popup form generator.

What is a popup maker?

A popup maker, also known as a popup form generator, is a type of software that allows you to make popup forms. It allows you to design forms with text and visuals, such as logos and images. Many popup makers come with templates, eliminating the need to design forms from scratch.

Using a popup form maker, you can also add forms to specific pages on your website. A popup maker usually allows you to dictate when forms should pop up during the customer’s browsing journey and how long they’ll appear on the page.

How does a popup maker work?

There are many different types of popup form generators, and each offers different levels of usability. Some require users to perform complex coding, while others, like Jotform, don’t require any coding at all. In fact, creating a popup form with Jotform is as simple as choosing a form template, customizing it for your needs, and then selecting the popup setting from the Publish tab.

What types of popups can be created with a popup maker?

A popup form maker can create any type of popup form. However, no matter what type of popup you use, it’s important to keep the form short so you don’t disrupt the user’s browsing experience or create too much friction in their journey. Examples of popup forms include feedback forms, subscription forms, contact forms, lead magnet forms, appointment scheduling forms, and more.