Process PayPal Business payments automatically with forms

Effortlessly process payments as soon as you receive a payment form submission with Jotform’s PayPal Business integration. Streamline your workflow and ensure secure, seamless transactions.

التكامل مع PayPal

Automate transactions with Jotform’s PayPal integration

Process payments as soon as form submissions are received with Jotform’s PayPal Business integration. No extra steps needed!

Jotform Icon

عندما يحدث هذا...

New payment form submission

A user submits a new response to a payment form


قم بهذا!

Process payment

Payment will be recorded in the PayPal Dashboard

التكامل مع PayPal

Jotform + PayPal

Watch this quick tutorial video to learn how to integrate your online forms with your PayPal business account.

PayPal - Video

Learn more about Jotform + PayPal Integration

How to Integrate Forms with PayPal Business

Learn more about the PayPal Business integration before you set it up for yourself.