التكاملات / CRM / Close / Create Contact with New Submission

Create Close contacts from new form submissions

Automatically create contacts in Close from new form submissions with Jotform's seamless integration. This automation ensures that contact information submitted through Jotform is instantly added to your Close platform, streamlining your sales process.

Add Jotform form submission data to Close contacts

Incorporate form submission data from Jotform into your Close contacts. This integration allows you to seamlessly update your Close contacts with information gathered through Jotform submissions.

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Create Contact

A new contact will be created in Close

التكامل مع Close

تحقق من حالات الاستخدام الأخرى لهذا التكامل

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توليد العملاء المحتملين في Close من إرساليات Jotform

Jotform Icon Close

أضف عنواناً إلى العنوان الرئيسي مع الإرسال الجديد
