تعطل حساباتي

  • ibraheem
    تم السؤال بتاريخ ٢٣ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ في ١٢:١٨ م

    كلما أقوم بعمل حساب يتم تعطيله من قبلگم ماهي المشگلة

  • John Support Team Lead
    تم الرد بتاريخ ٢٤ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ في ٢:٣٠ ص

    Hello Ibraheem,

    Your account has been suspended as your form contains plain texts fields asking for credit card information. Please note that this is not allowed on forms and is against our terms of use.

    1656051672 62b557d811912  Screenshot 10

    I have removed the said fields from the form and reactivated the account, so you can login again now.

    If you wish to collect payments using the form, we suggest it best to use our payment integrations. Here's a list of what payment gateways you can use.