Webhook integration not working

  • RichardCreer
    Asked on December 5, 2023 at 9:30 AM

    I have the same problem with this form, a customer's not mine -


    There have been three submissions to date. The first, as far as I can tell, did not fire the endpoint. The second (me testing the system) worked perfectly. The third same as the first.

    OP, did the proposed solution work for you?

    Are there any logs or traces within Jotform that can help diagnose?

  • Neil JotForm Support
    Replied on December 5, 2023 at 9:47 AM

    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, we don't have a dashboard to show Webhook errors or logs. But you may test your Webhook link on this tool: https://webhook.site

    Also, if the issue is intermittent, I would suggest removing the Webhook integration and setting it up again to refresh the integration, as my colleague suggested in the previous thread.

    1. In your Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
    2. Select Integrations on the left, and choose Webhooks.
    3. On the next screen, click the Remove Integration button.

    Webhook integration not working  Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Give it a try, and let us know if you need any other help.

  • RichardCreer
    Replied on December 6, 2023 at 9:30 AM

    Thanks, Neil.

    My customer is resetting the webhook as you suggest but we will have to wait for another submission to see if that has worked and they don't come along often.

    The webhook has been tested thoroughly and, as we have seen, it does work but not always. The very first thing it does is log the fact that it has been called but there are no log entries for the two missing submissions. You can try it yourself by going to https://sailevent.net/restapi/jotform. You will get a 500 Internal server error because there is no payload but that does at least generate a log entry.

    We also have several other endpoints on our server which work just fine so, on the face of it, it looks most likely that Jotform isn't making the call. I've enabled IIS logging to see if we can prove or disprove that theory but, as I say, submissions are few and far between and it's an intermittent fault so it may take a while.

    Perhaps I should have mentioned that this form collects fees via Stripe. Could that have anything to do with it?

  • Neil JotForm Support
    Replied on December 6, 2023 at 10:26 AM

    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for getting back to us. We can wait for your customer to see if that solves the issue. Additionally, there is a more user-friendly way to re-trigger the webhooks from the Jotform Tables by creating a Send Data via Webhook button. Let me walk you through it:

    1. In your Jotform Tables, click on the Add button to add a new column.
    2. Then, go to the Buttons tab, and select Send Data to Other Apps.
    3. Name the column, then choose WebHooks.
    4. Add the WebHook URL, and click on Complete Integration.

    Webhook integration not working  Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Give it a try, and let us know if you need more help.

  • RichardCreer
    Replied on December 6, 2023 at 11:24 AM

    Hi Neil

    I can confirm that my customer has reset the webhook so we will just have to wait and hope!

    Thanks for the suggestion re adding the webhook to the submissions table but that doesn't solve the problem. The idea is that the customer doesn't have to do anything and he is very disappointed that this isn't going to plan.

    Meanwhile using another form in a test system but with the same webhook code I've submitted multiple times and it always works perfectly. :o(

  • Neil JotForm Support
    Replied on December 6, 2023 at 11:42 AM

    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for your reply. I really do understand, and we're here to make sure the issue will be solved. We do not have an ongoing issue with WebHooks, and that should be working as expected. We will wait for your customer's feedback on the first solution I provided, and if the issue persists, we'll investigate it more to see if we can figure out what's going on.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • RichardCreer
    Replied on December 6, 2023 at 11:54 AM

    Thanks, Neil

    We've submitted another test form and that worked perfectly so let's hope whatever it was has gone away. Time will tell!