Square payment form: There is no automatic receipt sent to the customer

  • thebidcalendar
    Asked on October 1, 2016 at 12:16 PM
    Also, it seems like something should go the the person submitting the
    credit card info as a receipt for their purchase.
    In my Stripe processing when a credit card is entered and they hit the
    submit button, they receive a receipt of what they bought immediately.
    I follow up with my own receipt and paid invoice, however it might be
    hours, even next day before I am able to do so since I am in the field
    most of the time.
    Might add your online instructions as to the "how to's" leaves a lot to
    be desired.
  • Boris
    Replied on October 1, 2016 at 12:50 PM

    To have an automatic confirmation email sent to the customer, your form must have an email field - so that your form can collect the email address from your customer.

    Once your form has an email field, simply set up an autoresponder:


    Your Stripe payment form already has both the email field and the autoresponder, while the Square payment form does not. Please add an email field for your customers, and set up an autoresponder, and then let us know should you still experience any issues with the automatic confirmation emails to your customers.

    Thank you.