Is there a way to change the name of that gray button on the bottom of the Paypal form that says "Return to Merchant"?

  • 4jsloveoc
    Asked on September 30, 2016 at 12:18 AM

    So, I set up the "Thank You" to redirect to my URL home page. Is there a way to change the name of that gray button on the bottom of the Paypal form that says "Return to Merchant"? We are a school, so I'd really like it to say "Return to Pioneer Home Page"

  • jonathan
    Replied on September 30, 2016 at 4:19 AM

    As far as I know, you cannot customize that button since its on the Paypal side already.

    BUT an alternative workaround you may want to try instead is to make it automated. That is, make the "Return to Merchant" automatic and redirect immediately without the user having to click that option.

    Please review this similar discussion thread for guidance.

    Hope this help. Let us know if there is more we can assist you with.
