Capture keyword bidded resulted from an add to a form field?

  • kelliemorgan
    Asked on September 15, 2016 at 8:58 PM

    I'm still a little confused as to what we're supposed to do over here to capture a keyword bidded on that resulted in an ad from Google getting clicked, and have the user fill out a jotform, and have that info along with the keyword we bidded on, sent to us via email.

    I've already added the hidden field below the Submit button on our form.

    1) From the Jotform side, what code do I need to add to each page (just the code in yellow?)...and do I still use the JS embed piece of code given to us for each form?

    2) If I want to include this piece of code for each of our forms which are on different pages, does anything about the code need to be changed?

    Thanks for your help.


  • Charlie
    Replied on September 15, 2016 at 9:03 PM

    I am not sure if the method mentioned on the other thread fits your needs. 

    May I know if you have tried the following widgets:

    Get Referrer widget: 

    Get Form Page URL: 

    Google Analytics widget: 


    The 1st widget allows you to fetch the source where the user came from before ending up on the form. The 2nd widget allows you to fetch the complete URL of the current page where the form is loaded. The 3rd widget gives you information about the form's analytics, this includes origins, conversion, clicks, visits, etc...

    I presume those widget would give you all the detail you need to capture where the form originated from an ad?

    I hope that helps.

  • kelliemorgan
    Replied on September 16, 2016 at 11:31 AM

    No, none of these are going to help. As stated before, I need to capture the keyword that triggered the ad the user clicked on which lead them to complete the form. This probably involves including Google's GCLID tracking code on the end of our ads...and then having Jotform record that into a hidden field.

    Is there an expert over there who can help me with this?


  • Charlie
    Replied on September 16, 2016 at 1:21 PM

    I'm sorry, I'm not sure if we are that familiar with Google Adwords platform. May I know if you are aware on how the keyword is being passed on the target URL?

    The original thread simply gets the GCLID from the cookie. Here's how it works based from my understanding:

    1. A hidden form field is setup on the form.

    2. A custom script will be added on the website or platform where the form is embedded (the script cannot be added directly in JotForm's platform, unless you use the form's full source code).

    3. The custom script (yellow highlight) will simply fetch the 'gclid' in the cookie once the page where the form is embedded is loaded.

    4. The 'gclid' value from the cookie will then be inserted or assigned on the hidden field of the form using the custom script.

    5. Once the form is submitted the 'gclid' will now be part of the actual submission and on the email alert.


    Now I am not sure where the keyword you mentioned is place or stored, is it on the cookie? I strongly advise checking with Google support team to learn more about it. After that we'll assist you on how we can fetch that information and have it on the form.