I want to have a condition that if someone picks an item, they are required to pick 3 sub-items

  • pianospheres
    Asked on September 8, 2016 at 1:59 PM

    Hello. I want to have a condition that if someone picks an item, they are required to pick 3 sub-items. How would I do that? Thanks.

  • BJoanna
    Replied on September 8, 2016 at 3:49 PM

    I have checked forms on your account and I saw that you have form with payment field. In case that you want to require your users to pick 3 sub-items inside of payment field, based on selected product, unfortunately that is not possible. It is possible to make payment field to be required, but it is not possible make only certain products required or require users to pick any number of products or sub-items.

    Possible workaround for this would be to create list of product and sub product using basic fields, that to set calculation for those fields and to pass calculation to payment field. 

    How to Perform Calculation in the Form?

    How to Pass a Calculation to a Payment Field

    If I did not understood you question correctly, please explain in more details what you are trying to achieve. Also please provide us ID of the form, you are working on.

    Hope this will help. let us know if you need further assistance.