How to edit a submission without resending the autoresponder to the user?

  • ctonozzi
    Asked on September 1, 2016 at 12:24 AM
    Jot Form support:  I am trying to have fields that only I, as the admin, can see and I can complete those after the user has completed their portion of the form.  I like what Charlie has suggested, but I don't want to have another email go to the user.  Could I use a second submit button that would submit the data, but not trigger an email auto-response? Or could I put some condition on the submit button that would prevent an email?
  • Chriistian Jotform Support
    Replied on September 1, 2016 at 12:39 AM

    I would like to inform you that you do not need to add a second submit button for your requirement. By default, the autoresponder email will not be re-sent to the user if you edit the submission in the submissions page. Only the notification (email received by admin) will be re-sent.

    To make sure that your user does not receive an autoresponder email when you edit the submission, just open the email wizard on the Autoresponder and click Advanced.

    From there you can check if the "Send on Edit" option is set to Yes or No. If it is set to NO, then your users will not get a new autoresponder email when you edit the submission.

    How to edit a submission without resending the autoresponder to the user? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    If you have further concerns about the email, feel free to let us know.