When the contributor clicks the Submit button, where will the answers to those questions go?

  • pianobook
    Asked on August 25, 2016 at 4:45 AM
    When the contributor clicks Submit, where will the answers to those questions go? Will they appear on the receipt I get from PayPal? Or will they go somewhere else? If somewhere else, how will I match them up with the donation?
  • Jan
    Replied on August 25, 2016 at 9:18 AM

    The form submissions will go to our servers first. You can view the submissions in the Submissions area. Here's a guide:

    In My Forms, select the form and then click the "Submissions" button.

    When the contributor clicks the Submit button, where will the answers to those questions go? Image 1 Screenshot 30

    In the Submissions page, you can edit, delete, export the submissions.

    When the contributor clicks the Submit button, where will the answers to those questions go? Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Related guide: How-to-View-Form-Submissions

    Hope this helps. Thank you.

  • pianobook
    Replied on August 25, 2016 at 10:12 AM

    I don't think you understood my question. I'm integrating a form with PayPal for soliciting donations. The form also includes some questions for the contributor. Will the answers to those questions go into the receipt that will come to me from PayPal showing that a donation has been made? Or will it come to me in the same way that any form would come to me -- to the email address I indicate for sending forms? If the latter, will it also indicate the amount of the donation, or will that information go only to PayPal?

  • John_Benson
    Replied on August 25, 2016 at 12:01 PM

    Sorry for the inconvenience. When someone fills up your form and complete the payment, you will receive it like a regular form. The form submission will go to your JotForm account and a notification will be sent to your email inbox.

    This submission and notification contain the information entered by the customer as well as the donated amount. PayPal would also be notifying you about the donation, but not the answers to your form just the amount donated.

    Hope that helps. Let us know if you need further assistance. Thank you.