Unable to submit the form after clicking the "Print Button".

  • LeslieDee
    Asked on July 15, 2016 at 5:05 PM

    I am having issues with the Print function on my forms, not sure if it is an issue with the embedding the form to a Squarespace website. When "Print Form" is clicked, form data does not submit and page does not redirect to designated thank you page URL. This is stalling a new site launch, so any help is much appreciated!


  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on July 15, 2016 at 9:18 PM

    This could be due to different issues, for example, the form was not properly embedded or there may be a conflict with the existing code. 

    However, it is a bit hard to know what's going on without the link where the form is embedded on. 

    If you could share us the link where you've embedded your form, it would be very helpful so we can check what can be causing the issue and will be able to provide with steps to follow, so you can get your form working fine.

    We will wait for your response.