Can the forms be allocated to other users?

  • Gayle
    Asked on June 30, 2016 at 4:06 PM
    And can the forms be allocated to other users and then they can accept and decline them?
  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 30, 2016 at 4:13 PM

    Is this a kind of approval system? What kind of users are you referring to? The submitters or your colleagues? 

    We have this method of assigning status to form submissions, you might want to check and test it. Here's the guide:

  • Gayle
    Replied on July 1, 2016 at 10:14 AM

    Yes it would need to be double layered, not sure if your system can do this?

    So applicant fills out a submission, I approve or disapprove using the hidden box status (they receive an email)

    If I approve I would want to allocate this submission to one of my sub users (and restrict their view to only these submissions)

    Then the subuser would approve or disapprove (email or approval or disapproval sent to me) I then approve or reallocate to a different sub user

    Is this possible?

    I would also want to be able to print a report showing how many submissions have been allocated to each user

  • Support_Management Jotform Support
    Replied on July 1, 2016 at 12:12 PM

    Hey @Gayle, I understand what you're aiming to do, however, I'm afraid the extent of the features we offer for subusers end with this. Basically, as the main account owner, you can only assign what your subusers can do on this page (whether they can View Submissions or Edit Forms).

    You can't pre-program Jotform to automatically allocate submissions to one of your sub users and restrict them to only these submissions. This is something you have to manually do as the main account owner on the USERS section of your account.

    Knowing that this will be a tedious task moving forward, I highly recommend you try a different approach. Why not try firing up an email notification based on selections. The general workflow should look something like this:

    1. You're done with Approval part with your Hidden Box as suggested by my colleague

    2. You add another Hidden Box, or a hidden dropdown menu that will contain selections that will let you filter out to which subuser you want the submission notification to go to:

    Can the forms be allocated to other users? Image 1 Screenshot 40

    3. Finally you setup setup your Conditions as you see fit

    Can the forms be allocated to other users? Image 2 Screenshot 51

    Can the forms be allocated to other users? Image 3 Screenshot 62

    (NOTE: The screenshots above are only hypothetical examples. You can use them as a guide to visualize how you want to filter/route your submission notifications to your subuser's email). Although this will never be the exactly the same as what you're hoping to achieve, it's the closest workaround you can get to have these approved submissions reach your desired subusers (but only done through email notifications).

    Hope that helped somehow. Let us know if you need further assistance.

  • Gayle
    Replied on July 4, 2016 at 8:31 AM

    Hey there

    Thank you SO much for your replies and attention its fabulous.

    While helpful to know the above would not be suitable so think I have not explained well what I need. I dont need a pre programmed moving of submissions as they all need to be seen and approved by me first. THEN i allocate them to another user to approve or decline from their team (the forms are for volunteer applications for a festival, I say yes or no to everyone that applies direclty then i allocate to the zone coordinators where they have to say yes or no to them being on their team to me)

    So to be clear:

    1. the applicant fills out a submission

    2. I approve or decline it - this can be done using a hidden box from what I understand (sending an auto response)

    3. The submission then needs to be allocated to a sub user (happy to drag and drop this manually into a subfolder or perhaps select them from a dropdown list on the form) who then approves or declines the submission (ideally id be able to see in an overview how many and who they have declined or accepted)

    4. If the sub user is not happy then I reallocate the submission to another sub user (happy to drag and drop this from one user to another)

    5. If they are happy they stay in the sub users folder so the sub user can at any time log in and just see their allocated applicants


    Is that clearer?

    And can we make it happen with Jotform (with the ability to see how many at any one time are approved or declined and also how many are allocated to each sub user?

    Thanks again for your help

    Id really love to use Jotform hence all the qns



  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on July 4, 2016 at 10:34 AM

    You're welcome and no worries, we'd love to help. Thank you also for the additional information. Unfortunately, we don't have an approval workflow feature. I saw a custom form with the same description and it's an approval form. 

    1. Clearly, this is easy.

    2. You can also use a dropdown field or radio button field with two options, approve or disapprove. The field can be hidden in the form. There is a hide option in the field properties:

    Can the forms be allocated to other users? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    3. You can't share a single submission, you can only share the entire form so your closest workaround, as mentioned by my colleague, would be to conditionally send an email to your sub user. You can add a new field for this, example, the dropdown field with a list of your sub-users. 

    4. You have to add a section in the form for your sub-users. Each section can be password-protected, still by adding a condition (show/hide field). They can fill their part, re-submit the form, and send you another email which is still based on condition if they disapprove. 

    5. Based on #4. If they will approve, you have the option to add another condition for confirmation. You can then create a report, visual report to filter the submission by sub-user.


    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

  • Gayle
    Replied on July 5, 2016 at 9:28 AM

    Heyyy thanks for this!


    1. They would respond directly in the email window? Or do they click on the email and it takes them to the form online where they can then approve or deny?

    2. Then that approval or decline would then send an email to my inbox to notify me they approved or declined? 

    3. Can this be set up so I only get a notification if they decline?

    4. Then the results would be visible (how many approved in each department) using a visual report?

    Thanks again for all your help



  • Support_Management Jotform Support
    Replied on July 5, 2016 at 10:00 AM

    Hi Gayle,

    1. They would respond directly in the email window? Or do they click on the email and it takes them to the form online where they can then approve or deny?

    No, they will work on the form itself. You may include an EDIT link on your email template for the notifications if you'll go with the "Email Notification workaround" Once they receive an email, they click the EDIT link you have setup and it will open the form so they can do what needs to be done (e.g. approve or disapprove) [GUIDE: How-to-Let-Users-Update-Their-Form-Submissions-at-a-Later-Date]

    2. Then that approval or decline would then send an email to my inbox to notify me they approved or declined? 

    Yes, you will be able to achieve this by using conditional logic [GUIDE: How-to-Send-Email-Based-on-Selection]

    3. Can this be set up so I only get a notification if they decline?

    You can do that too if you setup your Conditions that way [GUIDE: How-to-Send-Email-Based-on-Selection]

    4. Then the results would be visible (how many approved in each department) using a visual report?

    You can make it work that way (show how many were approved by each subuser) if you will use the dropdown field my colleague suggested on filtering to which subuser you want the submission email to go to. You may also create filters on Visual Reports too based on Question/Answer (e.g. use the form field you're using for approving/denying for the Question/Answer filter):

    Can the forms be allocated to other users? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Here's the link that will better help you on figuring out how to make filters on your Visual Reports [GUIDE: How-to-Use-Visual-Report-Filters]