Can I connect to forms with discount coupon?

  • IAPT
    Asked on June 30, 2016 at 12:20 AM

    I have two forms. One for membership submission and one for registration with payments. I would like to apply discount on the registration fees to all members.

    I created a coupon in the registration form and I use it in the thank you page of the submission form. But I have problem because people may spread out the code of the coupon and everybody will be able to benefit the discount not only the members as I wish. 

    Could you suggest any ideas on that?




  • Chriistian Jotform Support
    Replied on June 30, 2016 at 1:48 AM

    If I understand correctly, you want to prevent users who are not members from using the coupon code that you provide in the submission form? That may be difficult to achieve, since it is up to the users whether they share the code or not.

    A possible workaround I could suggest would be to simply embed the form in the members only area of your website. That way, they will need to login to the members only page before they can use the form and enter the coupon you have provided. If they are not members, then they will not be able to use the form or enter the coupon code.

    Another alternative would be to add custom code to the form that will perform a database lookup for all the members, and then use conditions to show or hide the coupon field if the member's details are found in the database. However, you can only add custom code if you use the full source code of the form and you may need to hire a developer to do this for you.

    If you need further assistance, please let us know.