Automatic next question and Repeat whole Form

  • Massier
    Asked on June 2, 2016 at 4:55 PM

    Hi there,


    i would love to get an automatic next question and that several questions repeat when the user choose the radio button "more".

    First I thought I have to create many questions and hide them with condional logic. But then

    I found the "Image Choices" widget and the functionality of this widget is exactly what I need.

    The images are working great but I also need to ask size and amount. 

    If that is not working, than even please help me with the repeat of the whole form.
    Example: user fill out 1-4 so often he need it and afer he is finished the "name" field appears as a final question.

    Hope you understand what I mean and hope you can help me.


    Many thanks in advance.


  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on June 2, 2016 at 6:31 PM

    The image selection widget will only allow for selecting from images with labels.  It will not allow for further types of inputs.  If you need sets of mixed input types along with giving the users the ability to add more sets of options, I would recommend using a configurable list widget:

    Since the widget does not allow for selection from images, you would need to include produce sample images outside of the widget.

  • Massier
    Replied on June 6, 2016 at 4:09 PM

    Hi David,


    thanks for your reply. Yes I tried this widget times before.
    But what I really nead is following:

    1. every question on a seperate page (if automatic transitionn not working then even with "next" & "prevous" buttons


    2. repeat that questions if user wants to configure more products.

    Important for me: How can I make my form repeat - best case without adding hundreds of hidden widget which appear by conditional logic?


    Hope you can help me with that.


    Many thanks in advance.


  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on June 6, 2016 at 6:13 PM

    Other then using something like the configurable list widget, there is no way to make the form repeat without setting of sets of fields and conditionally showing them.  You can create multiple pages:

    And go to the next page conditionally.

    Or you can set up form collapsed section that are conditionally shown:

    However, both require actual fields in the form that are conditionally shown.

  • Massier
    Replied on June 8, 2016 at 4:57 AM

    Ok, thanks for the reply. ok I will try some workarounds and get back to you with new questions :)
    In the meantime I have another question:

    do you have an idea how to translate the "back" button of the image selection widget?

    Many thanks in advance.


  • Mike_G JotForm Support
    Replied on June 8, 2016 at 6:50 AM


    I have moved your new concern to a new thread considering it is a different topic. We believe that we can assist you better if you will have a separate thread for every question you have to avoid confusion with the answers provided.

    You can click this link to go to the new thread.

    Thank you.