How many forms can 100 MB save/hold?

  • GreaterworksFoundation
    Asked on May 26, 2016 at 3:20 PM
    How many forms can 100 MB save/hold?
  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on May 26, 2016 at 3:37 PM

    This counter does not take into account the forms you create, it increases depending in the uploaded files in your forms, for example, you may have only one form in your account and allow there your users to upload files, then once this form has received 100 MB in the total uploads for all the submissions you will be notified and will need to either delete those submissions  in order to get free space or upgrade your account. 

    We have just released a new feature that allows to download all your data at the same time, here is a link with more information about it as well as the steps to do it: New-Feature-Announcement-Export-Your-Data-in-Seconds-with-Data-Export

    I would suggest you to integrate your form with a 3rd party app in order to keep your files and avoid to loose some data, here are the links where you will find the steps to integrate your forms with the most popular cloud services and send uploads to your FTP server as well: 





    Hope this helps.