I want to hide the calendar in my date field but the CSS preferences shows different

  • hiloz1
    Asked on May 7, 2016 at 11:55 PM


    It is the CSS of the description that you want to hide the calendar, but the screen different from the screen was also our suggestions by pressing the preferences button will be displayed.


    I want to hide the calendar in my date field but the CSS preferences shows different Image 1 Screenshot 30


    It does not display the same as the preference of below.
    'SAVE CHANGES' button is not to display the 'Close Setting' button, does not change the original data even enter the CSS.

    How can I see the preferences page under I do?


    I want to hide the calendar in my date field but the CSS preferences shows different Image 2 Screenshot 41

  • liyam
    Replied on May 8, 2016 at 12:26 AM

    Hello again, hiloz1.

    The new preferences display is under development so not everyone is able to see the same. Like in your case, you are seeing the old version, because we have not fully released yet the new one.

    Please take note that in the old version, clicking the close settings button will not save the form. You will still have to save your form to save the changes.

    I want to hide the calendar in my date field but the CSS preferences shows different Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Also, with the new preferences, not all features are available as of yet. But if you wish to see, you can try editing your form by visiting https://www.jotform.com//?formID=61251832024445&test 

    If you want to return to the old version, you can simply replace &test with &old, or simply visit this link: https://www.jotform.com//?formID=61251832024445&old


    Note: If you also would like to hide the calendar icon, you can add #input_3_pick in the hiding, so it will be

    .showAutoCalendar, .calendar, #input_3_pick { display: none; }

  • hiloz1
    Replied on May 8, 2016 at 2:05 AM


    It it was a UI of updating the site.


    Also, Thank you for support of CSS.

    I am better to calendar is displayed thinks that it is convenient, but the client had to be erased because to say that I do not need the calendar display.

    It has helped us in the always great support.

    Thank you very much.

  • liyam
    Replied on May 8, 2016 at 2:11 AM

    Thank you for your response, hiloz1.  It is also my pleasure to assist you.

    If you have other questions, feel free to let us know anytime :)

    Warm regards.