How to set up approval workflow using Jotform?

  • interpon
    Asked on March 16, 2016 at 1:14 AM


    First of all - what a fantastic product! Big thanks to the team for creating this so non-coders like us can create all the weird and wonderful forms we want!

    I'm trying to set up an approval workflow that consists of 3 main stages - Application, Approval and Closing, and desperately require some assistance. I've outlined the process below.


    Stage 1 - Application

    1. Customer completes and submits application form.

    2. Customer receives autoresponder that their application is received, Technical team receives notification to approve application with Edit Link in the email.

    Stage 2 - Approval

    1. Technical team clicks on the Edit Link, updates form, adds Project Warranty Number and approves application (this will be another submit button).

    2. Customer receives approval notification with Project Warranty Number, Technical team receives approval confirmation email.

    Stage 3 - Close project

    1. Customer accesses existing form (not quite sure how to set this up without giving them the Edit Link), completes and submits "Close Project" form.

    2. Customer receives autoresponder confirming project closure, Sales team receives notification about project closure.


    As far as I could tell, this process requires 3 forms, each with its own set of autoresponder and notification emails. What's the best way to set this up? Is it too ambitious to fit all 3 into a single form?

    Suggestions and feedback welcomed!

  • Chriistian Jotform Support
    Replied on March 16, 2016 at 4:00 AM

    It is possible to have a single form with three stages per your requirements. What you can do is to add the fields into a Form Collapse for every stage.

    1. Go to your Form Builder > Survey Tools > Form Collapse

    How to set up approval workflow using Jotform? Image 1 Screenshot 40

    2. Then you can put the submit button above Stage 2 and 3, then add a textbox where the technician can enter the correct Access code to open the next stage.

    How to set up approval workflow using Jotform? Image 2 Screenshot 51

    3. Then add the condition that will show the Stage 2 Form Collapse. Here's a guide that can help: Smart Forms Using Conditional Logic

    How to set up approval workflow using Jotform? Image 3 Screenshot 62

    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to show the Stage 3 Form Collapse, and once that is set, you should now have an approval workflow form. The technician can use the edit link to edit the form using the correct access code. You can also add conditions to change the E-mail recipient for each stage.

    Here's a demo so you can see it in action:

    The access code for Stage 2 is 12345, while the access code for Stage 3 is 67890.

    To clone the demo to your account, simply follow this guide: How to Clone an Existing Form from a URL

    Do let us know if you need further assistance.