How to test Paypal payment form

  • johnk_
    Asked on December 22, 2015 at 8:05 PM

    Is there a way to test a PayPal Payment form?  I'm trying to set up installment payments and need to test it before going live.

  • Chriistian Jotform Support
    Replied on December 22, 2015 at 11:06 PM


    Yes, there is a way to test a PayPal form. The PayPal Sandbox is an environment where you can test a PayPal integrated form and make dummy payments. The PayPal Sandbox is an almost identical copy of the live PayPal payment system.

    To enable the Sandbox mode, just follow the instructions below:

    1. Right click the Paypal field

    2. Select the Edit Properties option

    How to test Paypal payment form Image 1 Screenshot 30

    3. Then Enable Sandbox Mode

    How to test Paypal payment form Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Do keep in mind that you will have to sign up first for a Paypal Sandbox account by following this link: 

    Then use that email address to make the Paypal payments. The following guide should help you:


    Do inform us if you need further assistance,