DreamCalisthenicsAsked on July 25, 2015 at 8:21 AM
I've worked out that custom dates need to be formatted YYYY-MM-DD. Until I put them in this format it didn't populate the field. Using 31/12/2015 or any other variation failed. I noted the hint in the menu when configuring it and that fixed my issue. Could fix it so that the logic doesn't permit it to be entered any other way or change it to support international date formats and separators? It would have saved me a lot of time.
Welvin Support Team LeadReplied on July 25, 2015 at 10:15 AM
Hi Ben,
You can add the date in the suggested format and use the "Date Format" and "Separator" to display it properly in the form.
It's just for setting up the custom date and the actual date will still be displayed in the field for as long as you have it based on the suggested format.
Anyways, I have forwarded this thread to our developers. If there are updates, you should know it in this thread.