PayPal: Security header is not valid error

  • bartbijen
    Asked on July 23, 2015 at 4:18 PM

    I have finished my jotform, embeded in my website. Now once I fill in the complete form and click send form and want to head to paypal an error message pops up:


    PayPal: Security header is not valid error Image 1 Screenshot 20


    to access the website under construction pls use the following login date:


    login: caminhos

    pass: brazil

    Jotform Thread 617993 Screenshot
  • Mike_G JotForm Support
    Replied on July 23, 2015 at 7:06 PM

    I would like to apologize of the inconvenience. This issue happens when the information entered in PayPal API settings has issues. 

    PayPal: Security header is not valid error Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Are you putting the information by copying it from a source (like Notepad) and pasting it to the PayPal API settings fields? Sometimes, when you copy a text/word from a source it includes a " " (space) without you noticing it.

    I would recommend you try to enter the information manually and see if it works this time. 

    Let us know if it works or not. Please feel free to get back to us anytime, should you be needing any further help. Thank you.