What is the difference of a Starter plan to a paid plan?

  • Wagestream
    Asked on August 19, 2023 at 3:11 PM

    Hey there,

    I'm going to be upgrading to a paid plan, but was curious if you guys do a free trial period? I need to send my form out next week, and need to demo it for my leadership team to approve the plan upgrade cost. Ideally I could have the branding removed for when I demo it to them (no offense).

    No big deal if not, just figured I would ask.


  • Rayzel JotForm Support
    Replied on August 19, 2023 at 7:06 PM

    Hi Vic,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Please take note that all of the features and integrations are available in our Starter Plan except there are limitations set to them. HIPAA compliance feature is also an exception as it is only available for Gold and Enterprise Members only. Let me explain to you the limitations of the Starter (Free) Plan:

    • 5 Form Limit - The maximum number of forms that can be active in your account.
    • 100 Monthly Submissions - The total number of entries, from all your forms, your account can receive every month.
    • 100 MB Available Space - The available disk space you can use, account-wide, for storing files uploaded on your forms. 
    • 1000 Monthly Form Views - The total number of times, account-wide, your forms can be viewed. 
    • 500 Total Submission Storage - Not to be confused with the monthly submission limit. Submission Storage is the maximum number of entries, from all your forms, you can keep in your account.
    • 100 Fields per Form - The maximum number of elements and/or widgets allowed on a form.
    • 10 Monthly Payment Submissions - The total number of valid and completed payments, from all your forms with payment integration, your account can receive every month.
    • 10 Monthly Signed Documents - The total number of signing processes completed, from all your Sign documents, your account can have every month.

    You can check out this guide on Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits for more details. You can also check our Pricing page for a comparison of all of the Plans and their features and limitations.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.