I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours.

    Asked on April 29, 2023 at 9:51 AM

    I have set up a check list for the close of business but I want to put a time option at the begginning of the checklists so I know what time they started the list. However I also want to stop them from starting the list too early. Is there a way to put a restriction on the time they can start. For example If they can't start the checklist before 2pm, but start at 1pm is there a way for the list not to be filled in before 2pm?? Hope you can help...

  • Mohammad_D
    Replied on April 29, 2023 at 12:39 PM

    Hi Shane,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I have checked the most recent form from your account and cloned it to create a workaround.
    I see that you have included a Time element where the Default Time is set to Current which is what we need to achieve the workaround.

    I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 60

    In my cloned form, I have used that element to set up a Hide/Show condition on the Form Settings page, where the 'Submit' button will only be visible between 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM.

    I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 71

    The Users can still open the form and fill up all details but they wouldn't see the Submit Button at the end of the Form. Thus the Form wouldn't be submitted.
    Check out the screencast below to see how I set up the Hide/Show conditions:

    I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 82

    You can let the Time field/element show at the top of the form, or also choose to hide it from the Form Users:

    I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 93

    I get the following results on my cloned form when I filled it out at 09:30 hours:

    I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 104

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.

  • Shane Roberts
    Replied on May 1, 2023 at 3:20 AM

    Thank you for your reply and for the show / no show option. I wasnt aware of this option and will look at using it for some other applications. However it doesnt stop them from starting to fill out the form early. Do you have any other suggestions??? Thanks again

  • Vincenzo JotForm Support
    Replied on May 1, 2023 at 5:07 AM

    Hi Shane,

    Thanks for using Jotform. To make your form available and fillable only on a specific time, you can use a date field and conditions. Doing that is easy. Let me show you how:

    1) First, add a Time element and set the default date to the current date.

    • Click on Add Form Element.
    • Select a Time Element.
    • Click on the Gear icon to edit its properties.
    • Select the tab Options.
    • Select the Time format that you prefer.
    • And under Default time, set it to Current.

    I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 80

    2) Create a first condition to hide all the field before a specific time (e.g. 2pm). To do so, follow these steps:

    • Select Settings in the orange navigation bar at the top of the screen.
    • Click on Conditions on the left column.
    • Click on Show /hide field.
    • Set the condition as follows:
    • IF: Time
    • STATE: Before
    • TARGET: Value
    • VALUE: 14:00 (2:00 pm if you selected the AM/PM time format)
    • DO: Hide multiple
    • FIELD: (Click on the fields that you want to hide while holding shift).I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 91

    3) Create a second condition to hide all the field after a specific time (e.g. 3pm). To do so, follow these steps:

    • Click on Add a new condition and then on Show /hide field.
    • Set the condition as follows:
    • IF: Time
    • STATE: After
    • TARGET: Value
    • VALUE: 15:00 (3:00 pm if you selected the AM/PM time format)
    • DO: Hide multiple
    • FIELD: (Click on the fields that you want to hide while holding shift)I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 102

    4) Then add a Paragraph field to show a message of when the form can accept submissions e.g. "This form will be available from 2:00pm to 3:00pm".

    I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 113

    5) Next, you have to create two conditional logics, in order to show the message added to the Paragraph field only when the form cannot be submitted.

    • Click on Add a new condition and then on Show /hide field.
    • Set the condition as follows:
    • IF: Time
    • STATE: Before
    • TARGET: Value
    • VALUE: 14:00 (2:00 pm if you selected the AM/PM time format)
    • DO: Show
    • FIELD: (Here you have to select the Paragraph field with the message that you have created).I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 124

    • Click on Add a new condition and then on Show /hide field.
    • Set the condition as follows:
    • IF: Time
    • STATE: After
    • TARGET: Value
    • VALUE: 15:00 (3:00 pm if you selected the AM/PM time format)
    • DO: Show
    • FIELD: (Here you have to select the Paragraph field with the message that you have created).I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 135

    6) Finally, to make sure that your respondents will not manipulate the time filed, set the time field as hidden or on read only. To do so, follow these steps:

    • Click on the gear icon of the Time element to edit its properties.
    • Select the Advanced tab.
    • Enable the Read only option if you want to make this field visible.
    • Enable the Hide field option if you want to hide this field.

    I want to set up my Form that it can only be submitted between designated hours Screenshot 146

    Please check this form and see if it fits your requirements. I have made the Time field editable and visible so you can change the time and see how it works along the day. You can also clone it, so you can see how its settings.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

    Replied on May 2, 2023 at 6:38 PM

    Vincenzo this is excellent.. Thank you so much.. Truely appreciate the effort you took to help me out.. Thank you.