Can I Have a Line Break in the Field Label?

  • Rana Murr
    Asked on March 16, 2023 at 6:51 AM

    May you please advise how I can have a line break in a label field?

  • Miray Doyduk Enterprise Operations Specialist
    Replied on March 16, 2023 at 8:14 AM

    Hi Rana,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. I am afraid it is not possible to add a line break in the field label as the field labels will not support HTML code. But the following CSS code should help you insert another text line on your field label. Let me show you how:

    #label_?:after {
      content: "insert the second line here";
    • In Form Builder, click on the blue Paint Roller Icon to open Form Designer.
    • In the Form Designer menu, go to the Styles tab, and paste the above CSS code in the Inject Custom CSS area.
    • You can type in any text inside the quotation marks to appear in the second line following content.

    1678968325 641306052de7a  Screenshot 10

    Please modify the CSS code according to the Field ID of your field. You'll find it in the Properties menu of that element under the Advanced tab. Get its field number and replace it with the question mark in the code I provided above.

    We could also provide you with the exact CSS code if you can share the form URL with us. Also, if you have any other preferences about the customization of your form, let us know so that we can help you.

    Let us know if you need any other help.