If I downgrade from Bronze to Free, what are the major implications?

  • Laura G
    Asked on November 2, 2022 at 10:54 PM

    If I downgrade from Bronze to Free, what are the major implications? Will I still have access to all my forms and submissions data? There may just be forms that I won't be permitted to enable if they've exceeded the limit for the Free account? Thanks in advance!

  • Ezgi Quality Assurance Engineer
    Replied on November 3, 2022 at 2:23 AM

    Hi Laura, 

    Thanks for using Jotform. If you downgrade from Bronze to Free, your account will be over-limited and you will not be able to receive new submissions. 

    You will have different form view counts:

    • Free Plan – the limit is set to 1,000 form views per month.
    • Bronze Plan – the limit is set to 10,000 form views per month.

    You will be able to continue to use the products you currently use in a limited way.

    You can check out  the Free plan limits in the screenshot below:

    jtQfGZYAGW2iy00sPTNpJFuY LBpFrjqIjBw2G9d Screenshot 10

    Let us know if you need any other help.