Google doesn't allow Less sure apps feature anymore.

  • Dubai Experience
    Asked on July 18, 2022 at 12:50 PM

    Google doesn't allow Less sure apps feature anymore.

  • Richard_A
    Replied on July 18, 2022 at 1:33 PM

    Hello Dubai Experience,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. To confirm, Is your 2 step verification enabled? If so, the less secure apps option is unavailable for use if 2-Step verification is enabled on your G Suite or Gmail account. You will have to get an app-specific password for Jotform for the SMTP to work by following the steps below:

    • Go to your Google Account.
    • Select Mail from the list of apps available.
    • Select Other from the device list.
    • Enter your Custom Name. You can put “Jotform” in it.
    • Click the Generate button.
    • Copy and save the password to your computer.
    • Click the Done button, and that’s it.

    Here's a detailed guide on how you can use your Gmail account as an email sender for Jotform email alerts.

    Please give it a try and let us know how it goes. 

  • AlicConsulting
    Replied on July 24, 2022 at 4:03 PM

    richard when i go to the website this is what i get The setting you are looking for is not available for your account.

    Less secure apps are on and i followed all the steps.
    I tried to connect to the new email from the email settings in the form and from the main settings page as well. Just keeps saying SMTP failed.

  • Ahrdhan_Y
    Replied on July 24, 2022 at 7:35 PM

    Hi soko717,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Please show us a screenshot when error comes up for us to see which part of the set up is causing this error. Here is a link for a quick guide to upload image.

     Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.

  • AlicConsulting
    Replied on July 26, 2022 at 8:09 PM

    I got it fixed now and turned on access to less secure apps. I was able to add my new email account. Question do i have to keep the less secure apps turned on or can i turn it off and still be able to send emails from that account?

  • CJ_G
    Replied on July 27, 2022 at 2:36 AM

    Hello AlicConsulting,

    I'm glad that you were able to fix it on your end. Turning off the access to less secure apps might cause an issue with your SMTP email. I suggest keeping it turned on if you still want to be able to use the new email account as your SMTP email.

    Reach out again if you need any help.