How to link a text to a Yes/No question?

  • Kaspar Mossman
    Asked on July 11, 2022 at 7:08 PM

    hi there.
    1) For a yes/no question, I want to add a message that appears conditionally when someone clicks "no". (I want to advise them not to submit the form, and why.) I do not see any option to add a line of text to my form. Is the only way to do this to add a Heading form element?

    2) I'm using the enterprise version and a bit surprised that I can't access help from there, so I went to the main Jotform site. It would be REALLY nice if you could make help easily accessible from enterprise view! (or if it is, please tell me how)

    thank you.

    This is a re-post of a comment on Quick Overview of Form Elements

  • Girish JotForm Support
    Replied on July 12, 2022 at 2:53 AM


    1. For the Yes/No element, you will need to use a card form and you can use Show/Hide conditions on this format. To show your text, use a paragraph field and show it using conditions.

    2. I moved your second question to a new thread and helped you with that here.