Should conditions work on my LOCALHOST dev server?

  • Ascendium Education Group
    Asked on June 11, 2022 at 11:10 PM

    Should conditions work on my LOCALHOST dev server?

  • Marvin_J
    Replied on June 12, 2022 at 1:14 AM

    Hi Ascendium Education Group,

    Thank you for contacting Jotform Support. I understand that you would like to know if you can use your own Localhost. I'll be glad to assist you.

    For clarification are you asking if you can host Jotform, on your own, via a local server, and use it for internal purposes? If so, then no, that's not possible. We offer Jotform as a SaaS platform so it will always be hosted by us so there should be access to the internet for the form to work.

    Or if you are referring to a localhost installation (e.g. a domain/website that you host locally e.g. via xampp or wamp)

    Then, that would work just fine. You only need to embed the form to your desired page that is hosted locally.

    Related guide: Which-form-embed-code-should-I-use 

    If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us back.



  • Ascendium
    Replied on June 13, 2022 at 2:15 PM

    No Marvin, I was asking if the feature of "conditions" (ie. If this field = x, then email notic to y. etc.) should work when using the specific embed method of "full code embed" on my localhost. I would do this for testing locally.

    Incidentally, I was able to achieve this by using my CMS to add the embed code, rather than pasting it directly into my template file. Perhaps this is due to the build process of my particular CMS and framework.

    I'm considering this issue closed.