How to add a unique ID to a form?

  • Digital Civil Ulydighed Digital Civil Ulydighed
    Asked on May 12, 2022 at 9:31 AM

    Question Regarding a unique id.
    How do i add a unique id to a form each time its submitted.
    Lets say i have a list of numbers could be like this: 2019-90/35-4947, 2020-90/47-6605, 2020-90/47-7080, etc. (random and in no particulary order)
    But I want each submitted form, to pick a unique number from this list. Never useing the same number twice, and in the end I should be ending up with a list that is empty.
    Limiting the amount of times a form can be used by the amount of numbers in this text file each seperated by a , when its empty the submit button does not work as its required for a submit.
    And it does not have to be a txt file i could be a table aswell i guess. If that would make it possible, how would this be possible within jotform?

  • Nikola JotForm Support
    Replied on May 12, 2022 at 9:53 AM


    Unfortunately, that is not possible. I file with a predefined list of numbers cannot be added. The Unique ID widget will automatically generate the numbers. They can be sequential numbers or random values.

    1652363457 627d10c1c7ae7 unique Screenshot 10

    If you want to limit the number of submissions, you can do it in the Form Settings. This guide will show you how to do that. 

    Let us know if you have any other questions.