Monday Integration: How do I get the PDF to come across into files?

  • Devan Wickline
    Asked on April 27, 2022 at 3:43 PM

    How do I get the PDF to come across into files on Monday? Or Im happy for the photo and the wav file to come across. I just need need the photo and wav file in either capacity to link into files on my Monday Board.

  • Dragana_R Jotform Support
    Replied on April 27, 2022 at 6:46 PM

    Hello Devan Wickline,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Currently, the only workaround available is to show the uploaded file URL on When you map the File Upload field while setting up the integration in Jotform, it transfers only the uploaded image URL. Current integration does not allow transferring the actual image. If that’s not exactly what you’re referring to, can you explain a bit more so we can help you better? 

    We are awaiting your reply.

  • Wickline_Devan
    Replied on April 27, 2022 at 7:41 PM

    It wouldn't let me select the jpg file or wav to map to the file box... unless it was mapped to a text box - but then it's just text, not a link and if you put it in the address bar then it says the link is broken.

    Also it allowed me to map like 5 fields then went gray why is that?

    I have a form I am trying to build and it needs to pull info from 2 different boards. is this possible?
    I've pulled the info from client board for the client details but I also need o the next page the store addresses that are linked to the Client board or does this need to be done manually?

    In the perfect world it would be really great to have a button in Monday connected to the form template and pull the fields together then populate the completed for in another file cell... whats the best way to accomplish this? IE I need them to sign a release with their customer info on it as well as the store info.

    Im up for any great ideas on how to make this work.

    Similar thing with pulling client info and costs from our budget column to make up a billing gateway to stripe to set up the clients reoccurring billing at the bottom of the contract they sign.

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on April 27, 2022 at 8:33 PM

    Hello Devan,

    I assume this is the form you're referring to, right? Trade Show Registration

    If so, let me answer your questions one by one in the order they were asked.

    It wouldn't let me select the jpg file or wav to map to the file box... unless it was mapped to a text box - but then it's just text, not a link and if you put it in the address bar then it says the link is broken.

    Since you are using a TAKE PHOTO widget, it only returns a metadata of the image instead of a URL.

    1651105267 6269ddf3bc937  Screenshot 10

    A workaround would be to use our regular file upload field. It works the same as the Take Photo widget when the form is accessed on mobile:

    1651105444 6269dea4e33b5  Screenshot 21

    This will return a URL of the file when you mapped it to Monday.

    Also it allowed me to map like 5 fields then went gray why is that?

    This depends on the number of fields you have in Monday and in the form. Can you share a screenshot of it? Right now, I can see more than 5 fields in your form integration:

    1651105705 6269dfa915067  Screenshot 32

    I have moved the last few questions to separate tickets. I will answer them shortly.

  • Wickline_Devan
    Replied on April 28, 2022 at 1:22 PM

    Ok great thanks, I'll adjust that to a file upload instead. Is there any work around to import the wav file?

    How can I map first name and last name to different fields? or will it throw both in one box? (Ideally Id like them to map to their own boxes.

    The field mapping question was in regards to a form fill for ISI - I need to map across two boards for all of the info can I do that with Jot form? I hope so otherwise I'll have to find another solution.

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on April 28, 2022 at 1:42 PM

    Hello Devan,

    When you add a regular file upload field, your users will be able to upload wav file in the form.

    If you want to map the first name and last name with separate fields, you need to add short text entry field for first name & last name in form.

    On your last question related to field mapping, do you mean to say that you want to send the data to two different boards? Yes, it is possible. When you add integration in the form and complete the field mapping, you can add another action in the integration to send the data to another board as shown in the screencast below:

    1651167683 626ad1c30e772 mondayInt Screenshot 10

    Let us know if you have any other questions.