How to send new Autoresponder email to the people who previously submitted the form

  • Marjorie Grice
    Asked on April 8, 2022 at 12:20 AM

    I have now set this auto responder up. But is there another way to send my previous submitted forms to be completed /edited by the same person who first completed it.

  • Rica Support Team Lead
    Replied on April 8, 2022 at 2:27 AM

    Hello Marjorie,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. Are you referring to your Nutritional Therapy Questionnaire form? If you'd want to send the Autoresponder email with the edit link you just created or if you want to create another Autoresponder email that will be sent to the previous submission made on your form, what I would suggest is adding a Send Email button on your Jotform Table. This way, you'll be able to manually send the Autoresponder email with the edit link to the people who submitted the form. This can be done by following the steps and screenshots below:

    • Go to your Jotform Table by clicking the Form Builder menu at the upper left corner of the screen beside the Jotform logo.

    1649398803 624fd41386c04 Capture Screenshot 10

    • On the Jotform Table, scroll to the right and click on the +Add column button.

    1649398956 624fd4acb50e2 Capture Screenshot 21

    • Click on the Buttons tab.
    • Select Send Email then click on the Next button.

    1649399029 624fd4f5af24a Capture Screenshot 32

    • Enter Column Name then click on the Next button.

    1649399069 624fd51db4473  Screenshot 43

    • Select the Autoresponder email then click on the Create Column button.

    1649399144 624fd5684fd37 Capture Screenshot 54

    • You will then see the Send Email button on your Jotform Table. Once you click the button, the Autoresponder email with the edit link will be sent to the form user.

    1649399233 624fd5c166715 Capture Screenshot 65

    If you need further assistance, please let us know.