Stripe payment user details

  • Neville Charles Wilson
    Asked on April 4, 2022 at 3:14 PM

    A Company I work for has received a stripe payment into our
    Commonwealth Bank account, this is the first and only payment into
    our account,
    The question who and where do we speak to some one in Stripe to identify
    and return the funds that do not belong to us.
    Any response wou;d be better thabn we are getting from our bank,
    thanking you regards

  • Kris JotForm Support
    Replied on April 4, 2022 at 7:18 PM

    Hi Neville,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. Here is Jotform, we help you create helpful and incredible forms that will suffice your needs. We have available payment gateway like Stripe and many more. However, on terms of payment received or any transactions, we don't have the control. Here is the link for the Stripe Support. Have you reached them already?

    We are awaiting to your reply and looking forward on assisting you further.

  • Neville Wilson
    Replied on April 4, 2022 at 8:25 PM

    Greetings from Australia

    I assume you are in the US.

    Regardless we have received an amount of $42.93 Auistralian credited into our account.

    It appears that it does not belong to us.

    Assistance from our bank does not provide the information to return these funds to the remitter.

    Although your response is detailed I cannot see how funds can be returned to your client

    We require to return $42.93 back to Stripe, but how, that is the magical question.

    I await your response.



  • Marlon_T Jotform Support
    Replied on April 5, 2022 at 1:08 AM

    Hello Neville,

    Thank you so much for letting us know about the refund that doesn't belong to you. What I can suggest is to contact Stripe about it. We have already released the funds and we cannot control it anymore. Please contact Stripe Support about it.

    If you have any further questions, please let us know.